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The number of HAVE YOU SEEN ME's has now grown, quite a bit. 45 PAGES sit stacked on Mackelway's desk. 45 victims. He grabs the stack, rises. Heading for the Conference Room, he nearly bumps into Katie, the Receptionist, rounding a corner. MACKELWAY 'Scuse me. She smiles. He carries the HAVE YOU SEEN ME's into: 54 INT. FBI OFFICE - CONFERENCE ROOM - CONTINUING 54.
SUPPLEMENTAL C02 DURING THE POST-OPERATIVE PERIOD Authors Lisa Cracchiolo, RRT, Michael S. Avidan, MBBCh, Eric Jacobsohn, MBChB, MHPE, FRCPC, Charl J. DeWit, MBChB, Lauren L. Hill, MD, Syed Ali, MD, Michael Pasque, MD, Heidi Tymkaw, MHS, Mary Finayev, RRT, Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO Objective To determine if administration of supplemental carbon dioxide, results in improved cardiac index and peripheral tissue oxygenation in the post-operative cardiac surgery patient Design Prospective, randomized, cross-over design of post-operative patients in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital; Study groups were randomized into a differing sequence of arterial CO2 tensions: Group 1 304050 mmHg, Group 2- 405030 mmHG, and Group 3 503040 mmHg. The study goal is twenty-four patients following elective heart surgery; nine patients have been studied to date. Method Patients were sedated with propofol and fentanyl, and paralyzed with rocuronium. All patients had a pulmonary artery catheter and an arterial line interfaced with an indwelling blood gas analyzer. Prior to the study, a transcutaneous monitor was placed close to the sternum to monitor oxygen tension. A Novametrics NICO2 monitor was placed inline with the ventilator circuit, utilizing a Capnostat CO2 sensor. Once patients were stable in the ICU, mechanical ventilator settings were adjusted to attain an initial PaCO2 of 30. Patients were randomized into Group 1, 2, or 3. Supplemental CO2 was bled into the inspiratory limb of the ventilator circuit to attain the desired PaCO2 levels. Patients were placed in A C mode and tidal volume adjusted to compensate for additional CO2 flow and to maintain exhaled minute ventilation throughout the study. No other changes to the mechanical ventilator were made except in emergencies. No additional medical interventions i.e., no changes in medications, fluids ; were made. Upon achieving each desired PaCO2 level 3 mmHg ; , hemodynamic measurements, respiratory mechanics, and ABGs were recorded.
Based on characteristics of the follicular fluid, during a program of in vitro fertilisation. National Congress of the Belgian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on 'The infertile Couple', Brussels, 30.01.1987.
L-Asp ; is an effective drug for the treatment of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL ; .1, 2 In newly diagnosed patients with ALL, 25% to 60% will reach a complete remission after monotherapy with L-Asp.1 The efficacy of this drug is generally thought to result from a rapid and complete depletion of asparagine in plasma by hydrolyzing this amino acid to aspartic acid. L-Asp resistance has been attributed to high levels of intracellular asparagine synthetase AS ; .3 Cell line studies showed that L-Aspsensitive leukemic cells have low intracellular AS activity and are dependent on the availability of extracellular asparagine.4 Andrulis et al demonstrate that complete asparagine depletion in vitro results in an amino aciddependent up-regulation of mRNA, protein, and activity of AS.5 Resistance to L-Asp in cell lines is in vitromediated by an up-regulation of AS expression in response to asparagine depletion of culture medium.6, 7 Whereas these cell line studies suggest that up-regulation of AS expression is an important mechanism of L-Asp resistance, clinical evidence is lacking for this assumption. In recent studies we found evidence that a high baseline intracellular AS gene expression is related to in vitro L-Asp resistance in children with TEL AML1negative ALL, 8 but not in TEL AML1positive children.9 This suggests that the genotype plays an important role in the cause of L-Asp resistance. However, it is yet unknown whether baseline and or L-Aspinduced AS mRNA levels are linked to the clinical response to this drug given as a therapeutic window upfront of combination chemotherapy. In the present in vivo study we investigate whether baseline and or L-Aspinduced AS mRNA levels are related to the clinical.
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Ways to improve corporate governance practices, the Institute conducted the Corporate Governance Scorecard for the first time in 2004 and again in 2006. The Institute was pleased to see that Hong Kong listed companies showed significant progress on their corporate governance standards, as compared to 2004, an indication that more companies now acknowledge the importance of good governance. We anticipate this project will be conducted every two years in continuity to enable us to monitor the progress of our listed companies in corporate governance development and to provide benchmark for investors, both locally and internationally. We are in constant dialogues with policy makers and regulators, voicing our views on issues concerning directors. Some of our members also serve on the committees of the regulatory and professional bodies, representing the Institute, to give our best in setting standards for good governance practices. In particular, we have an active interest in the development of Companies Ordinance, which is in the preparatory status of being rewritten. We anticipate more actions to address director responsibilities and issues in the revised Ordinance.
Difference in the time taken to harvest the radial artery or the Doppler flow of the anastomosed vessels. He also performed electron microscopy of samples of the radial artery. The lowest level of damage was found in pedicled arteries using the harmonic scalpel, but skeletonizing with the harmonic was associated with a high level of damage. Mustafa Cikirikcioglu w7x took the discarded ends of 14 radial arteries that were harvested using either the scissors and clips technique or the harmonic scalpel method. They were then placed in an organ bath and subjected to a series of vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. There were no significant differences found. The samples were also examined by electron microscopy and no differences were found. Wright et al. w8x randomized 51 patients to harmonic scalpel or `cold-steel' scalpel techniques. There was no difference in the time taken to harvest the vessel, the quality of the graft or the need for repeat angiography at 3 months. Bhan et al. w9x used the harmonic scalpel to harvest all arterial conduits including the LIMA in 80 patients, and compared this to a retrospective cohort. They could not and sulfasalazine.
Ak]yk] people with cardiac failure and liver disease like cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, have reduced activity of drug metabolising enzymes.
Materials and Methods Chemicals. 4-Hydroxy sulfadiazine, 5-hydroxy sulfadiazine, N-hydroxy sulfadiazine the hydroxylamine ; , and N-acetyl sulfadiazine were obtained from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program Bethesda, MD ; . Sulfadiazine was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich St. Louis, MO ; . N-Acetyl sulfamethazine was a gift from Dr. Edith Sim, University of Oxford Oxford, UK ; , and N-acetyl p-aminobenzoic acid was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Milwaukee, WI ; . All other chemicals were of analytical grade and were obtained commercially. Human Liver Samples. Livers were procured, processed, and stored as previously described Rettie et al., 1989 ; . Microsomes HL123, -126, -135, -141, and -142 ; were prepared as previously described Hickman et al., 1998 ; . Cytosol was prepared by homogenizing human liver in a buffer containing 250 mM sucrose, 100 mM dihydrogen potassium phosphate, 1 mM EDTA, 1 g ml leupeptin, and 1 mM dithiothreitol at pH 7.4. The liver homogenate was centrifuged at 15, 000g at 4C for 20 min, and the supernatant was poured through two layers of gauze into fresh centrifuge tubes and then centrifuged at 100, 000g at 4C for 1 h to isolate the cytosol as the supernatant. The supernatant was aliquoted immediately and then frozen in liquid nitrogen before storing at 70C. Protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford assay with bovine serum albumin standard supplied by Bio-Rad Hercules, CA ; . Cloned Human Enzymes. Lymphoblast and baculovirus insect cell-expressed Supersome ; human cytochrome P450 enzymes were obtained from BD Gentest Woburn, MA ; . Bacterially expressed NAT1 * 3 and NAT2 * 4 both the human wild type ; were provided by Drs. Edith Sim and Dean Hickman University of Oxford, UK ; and have been previously characterized and described by Palamanda et al. 1995 ; . Stock Preparation. Sulfadiazine hydroxylamine was dissolved in argonpurged dimethyl sulfoxide in gas-tight amber autosampler vials into which and sulfinpyrazone.
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JAY ALAN FISHMAN * Infectious Disease and Transplantation Units, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Pneumocystis carinii remains an important pathogen for the broad spectrum of immunocompromised individuals, despite significant advances in antimicrobial therapy. The recognition of P. carinii pneumonia in oncology patients and malnourished children led to epidemiologic and therapeutic studies of the disease in the 1970s by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which was the source of the only therapeutic agent available at the time, pentamidine methanesulfonate 99, 139 ; . The combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine 105 ; had some therapeutic efficacy in small groups of patients in the 1960s 142 ; . The combination of trimethoprim TMP ; and sulfamethoxazole SMZ ; 58 ; subsequently in fixed combination as TMP-SMX or co-trimoxazole ; was subsequently shown to be effective for the prophylaxis and the treatment of mild to moderate infections in animal models and patients and successfully reduced the occurrence of and the morbidity from this infection 5658, 76 ; . Early clinical trials have been reviewed by Hughes 54 ; . These agents remained the standards for therapy after the recognition of the role of Pneumocystis infection in the human immunodeficiency virus HIV ; -infected population. The inability of many patients to tolerate prophylaxis or treatment with either TMP-SMX or pentamidine initiated a search for new agents for the prevention and treatment of Pneumocystis infection in immunocompromised hosts. This effort has resulted in the development of a variety of newer therapeutic options. Antimicrobial resistance in P. carinii appears to be uncommon clinically; however, standardized techniques for the growth of human-derived organisms in vitro or in animal hosts are not generally available for use for susceptibility testing discussed below ; . The routine use of prophylaxis for P. carinii has been successful in improving the survival of persistently immunocompromised individuals, resulting in an increase in the relative frequency in these hosts of other infections including infections caused by mycobacteria, fungi, and viruses 49, 50, 57, ; . Approaches to the prevention and treatment of Pneumocystis infection are changing with the increased use of antiPneumocystis prophylaxis in both AIDS and non-AIDS immunocompromised hosts and by improvements in antiviral therapies for HIV. The long-term impact of the newer antiviral therapies on the incidence of opportunistic infection in AIDS remains to be established. The specific therapy selected for an individual may be adjusted to reflect the nature of the individual's predisposing immune deficit s ; , the ability of patients to tolerate specific agents, the geographic location of the patient, and the medical institution 31, 54, 109, ; . TARGET POPULATIONS FOR ANTI-PNEUMOCYSTIS PROPHYLAXIS A natural reservoir of P. carinii has not been demonstrated. Aerosol transmission of infection has been demonstrated by Hughes 54 ; and other investigators 20, 111, 135 ; with animal models, and clusters of infections have developed in clinical settings, including clusters of infections among HIV-infected persons and among renal transplant recipients. P. carinii DNA has been detected by PCR in the air of the hospital rooms, bronchoscopy suites, and clinics used by infected individuals. The frequency of infection varies both by institution and by geography. Serologic testing reinforces the view that subclinical infection is common. Most individuals have serologic evidence of exposure by age 4 82 ; . result, it has been assumed that reactivation of latent infection is involved in the pathogenesis of P. carinii pneumonia in most individuals 82 ; . However, the rate of identification of organisms in autopsy studies is only on the order of 0 to 8%. Furthermore, following treatment of active infection with TMP-SMX, immunosuppression in animal models does not result in the reemergence of infection in animals maintained in respiratory isolation; reinfection of these animals with airborne organisms is possible 9 ; . Recent molecular studies in animals and humans with a variety of genetic probes including probes for P. carinii ribosomal mRNA internal transcribed spacer regions have suggested that both reinfection and the reactivation of latent infection are significant factors in the incidence of disease 46, 75, 78 ; . As a result, it is reasonable to isolate patients with known Pneumocystis pneumonia from other immunocompromised individuals. P. carinii is an important cause of community-acquired pneumonia in individuals with a wide variety of underlying immune deficits, accounting for 26.7% of community-acquired pneumonias in HIV-infected persons prior to the routine use of protease inhibitors in this population in the United States 17, 89 ; . The incidence of infection relates to the intensity and duration of immune suppression. T-lymphocyte deficiencies are particularly important in predisposing an individual to P. carinii infection 11, 37 ; . Passive transfer of immune T lymphocytes is protective against P. carinii pneumonia in mice, whereas transfer of immune globulin alone is only partially protective 39 ; . Within susceptible populations, the relative risk of infection with Pneumocystis is greatest in the first 6 months after solid-organ transplantation, in patients receiving oral corticosteroid therapy usually the equivalent of 20 mg or more of prednisone per day ; for 3 to 6 months, during periods of prolonged neutropenia, and during periods of acutely increased immune suppression, such as those that occur with high-dose corticosteroid or antilymphocyte antibody therapies during treatment of graft rejection or graft-versus-host disease.
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During the single-choice task in monkey H is plotted after alignment on the cue. D ; The same data as in C ; aligned on saccade onset at zero on the abscissa ; . Other details of the plots in B ; - D ; are the same as in A ; Histograms showing the distribution of saccade response time for the two-alternative choice condition filled bars ; and the single-choice condition open bars ; in Monkey H
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11.7 GOLDEN RULE Jumping to conclusions is the most common source of inaccurate desert navigation. Do not mask insecurity with arrogance by fitting the `facts' to your hopes or presumptions about position. all the evidence must be weighed, an open mind kept, the conflicting evidence must be disposed of before the final conclusions are drawn. Was the hill 20kms back really that indicated on the map? Were the dunes at the 2 o'clock position the ones mapped? Is the track alignment on the map accurate? You must make a case for establishing a position -rather as a lawyer would -since all the `witnesses' may not be what they seem and all evidence must be weighed. An open, analytical mind and a readiness to face facts is vital. 11.8 EQUIPMENT See Annex C for equipment list. 11.9 MAPS AND GUIDES TYPES AND SOURCES. Mapping in the UK and Europe is of an extremely high standard and the first-time desert traveller should be prepared for a shock regarding map coverage, accuracy, scale and availability. For the African Sahara use: Michelin Maps -Sheet 153 and 154. Scale 1: 4m, an excellent planning logistics map. Reliable in most regions, provides information on regularly used roads and tracks plus details of facilities including fuel, water, rest houses etc -along them. Essential for any Saharan traveller. Accuracy varies according to regions -e.g. not good in Mali. After being unavailable for 7 years, a new sheet 153 is now out 1983
Journal of the american geriatrics society , 29 5 ; , 232-23 in 100 percent of the ulcers treated with silver sulfadiazine cream 15 patients ; the bacterial counts were reduced to 10 5 less per gram of tissue within the three-week test period, compared to 7 6 percent in those treated with saline 14 patients ; and 6 percent in those treated with povine -iodine solution 11 patients and symlin.
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Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz The crystals of bis[ 2-pyridazine-3-carboxylato-N, O, O' ; -trisaqua-calcium II ; ] are monoclinic, space group P21 n with a 9.173 1 ; , b 10.539 2 ; , c 14.984 3 ; , 99.43 3 ; o and Z 4. The structure contains centrosymmetric dimeric molecules composed of two calcium II ; ions, each coordinated by two pyridazine-3-carboxylate ligand molecules Ca2 C5H3N2O2 ; 4 H2O ; 6 ; via their N, O bonding moieties [Ca-O11 2.432 1 ; , Ca-N11 2.585 1 Ca-O21 2.404 1 ; , Ca-N21 2.606 1 ; ] and three water molecules [mean Ca-O 2.389 1 ; ]. The calcium ions are bridged by two carboxylate oxygen atoms, each acting in a bidentate mode donated by ligand molecules coordinated to different metal ions forming a bridging path Ca-O11-CaI Fig. ; . The coordination number of the calcium II ; ion is eight, the coordination polyhedron is a strongly deformed decahedron. Coordinated water molecules participate in a hydrogen bond network linking the dimers. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL programme package and symmetrel.
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