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Chlorpromazine reserpine

Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, University fornia School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Manuscript received April 12; revision accepted Reprint requests: Dt Garg, Division ofNeonatology, Sunset Bled, Los Angeles 9fXl27.
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Uation mended warrants for use potential risk. in children. Precautions: Psychotic symptoms may be exacerbated in schizophrenic patients. Increased anxiety and agitation may occur in overactive or agitated patients. Manicdepressive patients may experience shift to manic phase. Hostility may be aroused. Concomitant administration of reserpine may produce a "stimulating" effect. Watch for possible epileptiform seizures during treatment. Use cautiously with anticholinergic or sympathomimetic drugs. Concurrent electroconvulsive therapy may increase hazards associated with nortriptyline HC1. When possible, discontinue drug several days prior to surgery. Potentially suicidal patients require supervision and protective measures during therapy. Prescriptions should be limited to the least possible quantity. Both elevation and lowering of blood sugar levels have been reported. Adverse Reactions: Note: The pharmacologic similarities among the tricyclic antidepressant drugs require that each of the following reactions be considered when nortriptyline is administered. Cardiovascular: t-lypotension, hypertension, tachycardia, palpitation, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, heart block, stroke. Psychiatric: Confusional states especially in the elderly ; with hallucinations, disorientation, delusions; anxiety, restlessness, agitation; insomnia, panic, nightmares; hypomania; exacerbation of psychosis. Neurologic: Numbness, tingling, paresthesias of extremities; incoordination, ataxia, tremors; peripheral neuropathy; extrapyramidal symptoms; seizures, alteration in EEG patterns; tinnitus. A nticholinergic: Dry mouth and rarely, associated sublingual adenitis; blurred vision, disturbance of accommodation, mydriasis; constipation, paralytic ileus; urinary retention, delayed micturition, dilation of the urinary tract. Allergic: Skin rash, petechiae, ing, photosensitization avoid exposure to sunlight edema face and tongue ; , drug fever, ity with other tricyclic drugs. Hematologic: Bone-marrow including agranulocytosis; pura; thrombocytopenia. Gastrointestinal: Nausea and anorexia, epigastric distress, urticaria, itchexcessive general or of cross-sensitivGynecomastia in the male, breast and galactorrhea in the female; or decreased libido, impotence, swelling; elevation or depression sugar levels. Moreover, the risk of severe incontinence increased up to threefold for subjects who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for at least 5 years.
Federici et al. were filled with a standard internal solution containing 145 mM K-gluconate, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 2 mM MgCl2, 10 mM HEPES, 0.75 mM EGTA, 2 mM Mg2-ATP, 0.3 mM Na3-GTP, or 145 mM potassium methylsulfate, 8 mM KCl, 10 mM HEPES, 2 mM Mg-ATP, and 0.3 mM Na3GTP, pH 7.35 with KOH. The extracellular perfusate consisted of ACSF plus tetrodotoxin 1 M ; , sulpiride 13 M ; , and SCH23390 310 M ; . Access-resistance was monitored at regular intervals. A 10-mV hyperpolarizing step 250 ms ; was applied to measure membrane resistance. The current-voltage relationship was measured with a step protocol 1 s per sweep, four sweeps, 60 to 120 mV ; executed after the GIRK conductance was completely activated GTP S baclofen ; and in the presence of the trace amine at steady-state. All membrane potentials were corrected for the calculated liquid junction potential 1315 mV ; . Ca2 Imaging. The fluorescent ion indicator Fura-2 was loaded into the cell via the patch pipette, and the fluorescence emitted at excitation wavelengths of 340 to 380 nm was detected by a chargecoupled device camera Photonic Science, Millham, UK ; at 6-s intervals and then stored. Fluorescence values from selected regions of the neuron that included the cell body were then analyzed offline in term of ratio value changes R ; . Drugs. -Phenylethylamine, p-tyramine, phentolamine, reserpine, dopamine hydrochloride, AP-5, bicuculline methiodide, staurosporine, Rp-cAMPS, and SQ22, 536 were purchased from Sigma Milan, Italy baclofen, CNQX, prazosin, sulpiride, SCH23390, carbidopa, U73122, and S ; -3, 5- dihydroxyphenylglycine DHPG ; from Tocris Cookson Inc. Bristol, UK tetrodotoxin was from Alomone Labs Jerusalem, Israel ; , CGP55845 was a kind gift from Novartis Basel, Switzerland phosphatidylinositol-3, 4-biphosphate PtIns 4, 5 ; P2 ; was purchased from Calbiochem Sa Diego, CA and Fura-2 was from Molecular Probes Leiden, the Netherlands ; . All drugs were bath-applied at known concentrations by switching the perfusion using a three-way tap. Baclofen or DHPG 100 M ; was applied in extracellular solution through a glass pipette whose open end approximately 2 m in diameter ; was positioned 20 to 30 from the cell body of the patched neuron. The local application of baclofen or DHPG was performed at 20 psi with a pneumatic picopump Picospritzer; WPI ; . PtIns 4, 5 ; P2 was dissolved in pipette solution at a nominal concentration of 500 M. The solution was sonicated intermittently on ice for 30 min. Sonication was repeated each time before filling a new pipette. PtIns 4, 5 ; P2 solutions were used for 1 day only. In addition, the PKA inhibitor c-AMPS-Rp triethylammonium salt was applied by intracellular dialysis. A series of rats were treated with reserpine 5 to 8 mg kg injected 15 to 24 before the electrophysiological experiments. These dosages produced profound hypokinesias and ptosis.

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AND TELEVISION PROGRAMS FOR OTHERS; PROVIDING MULTIPLE USER ACCESS TO A GLOBAL COMPUTER NETWORK, IN CLASS 38 U.S. CLS. 100, 101 AND 104 ; . FOR: RESTAURANT SERVICES; PROVIDING TEMPORARY HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS; PROVIDING MEDICAL SERVICES, BEAUTY SALONS SERVICES; HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES; TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES RENDERED ONLINE AND IN PERSON; SOFTWARE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT FOR OTHERS, IN CLASS 42 U.S. CLS. 100 AND 101 ; . PRIORITY CLAIMED UNDER SEC. 44 D ; ON ERPN CMNTY TM OFC APPLICATION NO. 001690890, FILED 6-5-2000, REG. NO. 001690890, DATED 10-3-2001, EXPIRES 6-5-2011. NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE USA SOLUTIONS, APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN. SER. NO. 76-122, 430, FILED 9-1-2000. ELISSA GARBER KON, EXAMINING ATTORNEY. 10. Miniature Miracle of Microfiche. News Front: p.22-25 Apr 1967 ; 11. SAE Harnesses Its Information Explosion. Society of Automotive Engineers Journal 73: p.79-81 Apr 1965 ; 12. Tate, Vernon D. and Wolf, David R. "A Survey of Microfiche Readers and Reader-Printers Currently Manufactured in the United States." Cameron Station, Alexandria, Va., Defense Documentation Center, May 1968. 35p. [Reprint of an article which appeared in the AThrlA Journal 1 no.1 ; Fall 1967.1 13. Teplitz, Arthur "Library Fiche: An Introduction and Explanation." Santa Monica, California, System Development Corp., Oct 1967; SP-2922 000 01; AD 661 660. 14. Vessey, H. F. "The Use of Microfiche for Scientific and Technical Reports." Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development AGARD ; , North Atlantic Treatv organization, ~ u g 1970; AGARD-AR27-70. 15. Wicker, Roger F., Neperud, Roy M., and Teplits, Arthur "Microfiche Storage and Retrieval System Study: Final Report, 11 Feb-10 Aug 1970." Falls Church, Va., System Development Corp., 10 Aug 1970; TM-WD- L ; -355 000 01; AD 710 000. 16. Wooster, Harold An Improved Personal Portable Microfiche Reader. OAR Research Review, p.12-13 Nov 1968 ; 17. Wooster, Harold "Microfiche 1969-A User Survey." Arlington, Va., Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Jul 1969; AFOSR 69-1847TR; AD 695 049 and restasis. Goldbamboo reserpine systematic iupac ; name methyl-11, 17-dimethoxy-18- take control over your directory listings.
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Drug Antihypertensive effects Pharmacokinetics Indications Adverse effects Centrally acting sympatholytics These drugs act by inhibiting sympathetic outflow from vasomotor centers in the brain stem. They do not affect the sensitivity of these centers for baroreceptor control, thus their antihypertensive and adverse effects are independent of the posture of the patient i.e. blood pressure is controlled whether the pt is lying or standing and postural hypotension almost never occurs. Disadvantage of their use is Rebound hypertension. Used as second or third -Reduces peripheral and renal Methyldopa -MOA: P O or IV. -Sedation, lassitude, vertigo, nightmares, line drugs b c of their vascular resistance. -Half life is about 2 hours. headache, depression, involuntary movements -Reduces cardiac output and -Effect persist for 24 hours. adverse effects ; in extrapyramidal effects ; moderate to severe heart rate. -Lactation, black tounge, + ve coombs test, hypertension. hemolytic anemia, leucopenia & hepatitis. -Dry mouth, sedation, fluid retention. -MOA: P O & via a transClonidine -Abrupt withdrawal may cause life-threatning dermal patch hypertensive crisis manifested as nervouness, -Half life is 8-12 hrs, effect tachycardia, headache, & sweating. persists for 2-3 days. Ganglion-blocking drug These drugs competitively block nicotinic cholinoreceptors in both sympathetic & parasympathetic system. Their antihypertensive and adverse effects are dependent on the posture of the patient and thus may cause orthostatic hypotenison. Almost all of these drugs have been withdrawn from clinical practice b c of their intolerable side effects. Trimethaphan Increases capacitance of venules -MOA: I V Previously used for acute These are same for sympatholytics causing pooling of blood. -Very rapid onset of action hypertensive emergencies. orthostatic hypotension, sexual dysfunction etc ; & parasy- mpatholytics dry mouth, blurred vision etc ; Peripheral adrenergic neuron blocker These drugs act by preventing normal physiologic release of nor-epinepherine from postganglionic sympathetic neurons. Their effect is also dependent on the posture of the patient. Their use in treating hypertension has now become very limited. Guanethedine -Reduces cardiac output and -MOA: P O Previously used for mild Sympatholytic effects sexual dysfunction, increases capacitance of venules. -Very long half-life so hypertension & to reduce orthostatic hypotension etc ; , Diarrhea, muscle -Long term therapy may decrease maximal effect develop in intraocular pressure in aches & weakness. No effect on CNS dose peripheral vascular resistance. 1-2 wks. glaucoma. not cross blood brain barrier ; . Drug depleting neurotransmitter These drugs act by depleting nor-adrenaline in adrenergic neurons by blocking the storage mechanism in the nerve endings. They do not affect sympathetic reflex and thus their hypotensive action is independent of posture. Postural hypotension occurs rarely. Now used only in cases of High doses may cause sedation, lassitude, Reserpine -Reduces cardiac output & -MOA: P O, rarely I V. decreases peripheral vascular -It has a short t1 2, but has a hypertension, unresponsive nightmares & severe depression. May cause diarrhea, abd cramps & acid secretion. May to other drugs Refractory resistance. long duration of action also produce extrapyramidal effects may be due to retention of hypertension ; resembling Parkinson's disease. drug at its site of action.

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File 1-21 cont'd BC2122-0312 Burch # F175 ; VCA # 958-D-2 Bush mill at Muir Creek. 1952. 1 photograph: b&w ; 6 X 6 cm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso: 1952 Muir Cr. Bush mill on Elder's slash. BC2122-0313 Burch # F176 ; VCA # 958-D-2 Slash at Muir Creek. 1952. 1 photograph: b&w ; 6 X 6 cm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso: 1952 Muir Creek View of slash on Elder's Block to North of Block 70. BC2122-0314 Burch # F177 ; VCA # 958-D-2 Lumber at Muir Creek. 1952. 1 photograph: b&w ; 6 X 6 cm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso: 1952 Muir Cr. Buch Mill & lumber in Elder's slash. BC2122-0315 Burch # F178 ; VCA # 958-D-2 Bush mill in Elder's slash. 1952. 1 photograph: b&w ; 6 X 6 cm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso: 1952 Buch mill in Elder's slash -showing head rig & edger. BC2122-0316 Burch # F179 ; VCA # 958-D-2 Gerry Burch, Bob Howard, and Ross Johnson on Koeye Lake. April 17, 1952. 1 photograph: b&w ; 6.3 X 9 cm computer printout: b&w ; 17.2 X 25.1 cm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso of photograph: Koeye Lake Gerry, Bob Howard, Ross Johnson moving down lack to new campsite. April 17, 1952. BC2122-0317 Burch # F179a ; VCA # 958-D-2 Mac McTavish, Harry Gairns and Peter Pearse at Tahsis Canal. [ca. 1957]. 1 photograph: b&w ; 10.1 X 15.1 cm + 1 negative: b&w ; 35 mm Title based on annotation. Inscribed in pen, verso of photograph: 1957 + - Tahsis Canal West Coast, V.I. Mac McTavish cook Harry Gairns Peter Pearse, cruisers and reyataz [98] NWChem online manual. docs nwchem nwchem , August 2007. [99] W. J. Hehre, L. Radom, P. R. Schleyer and J. A. Pope. Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory. John Wiley and Sons, 1986. ISBN: 0-47181241-2. [100] W. Koch and M. C. Holthausen. A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory. Wiley-VCH, 2 edition, 2001. ISBN: 3-527-30372-3. [101] R. Mattes, G. Pauleickhoff. Schwingungspektrum und Kraftkonstaten des Methylxanthogenations-d0 und d3 . Spectrochimica Acta A, 29: 1339 1344, [102] L. H. Little, G. W. Poling and J Leja. Infrared Spectra of Xanthate Compounds. II. Assignment of Vibrational Frequencies. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 39: 745754, 1961. [103] G. W. Poling. Reaction Between Thio Reagents and Sulfide Minerals. Flotation, A. M. Gaudin, Memorial Volume, 1: 334363, 1976. [104] G. F. Antonius, Z. M. Ray and L. Rivers. Mobility of dimethoate residues from spring broccoli field. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 42: 914, 2007. [105] X. B. Wang, W. M. Liu, F. Y. Yan, Z. J. Zhang and B. S. Xu. Synthesis of Dialkyl Dithiophosphate Surface-Capped Copper Nanoclusters. Chemistry Letters, 33: 196197, 2004. [106] Z. Zhang, Q. Xue and J. Zhang. Synthesis, Structure and Lubricating Properties of Dialkyldithiophosphate-modified MoS Compound Nanoclusters. Wear, 209: 812, 1997. [107] S. R. Rao. Surface Chemistry of Froth Flotation, volume 2. Plenum Publishers, New York, 2 edition, 2004. [108] X. Ying and Z. Fang. Experimental Research on Heavy Metal Wastewater Treatment with Dipropyl Dithiophosphate. Journal of Hazardous materials, B137: 16361642, 2006. [109] S. Jiang, S. Dasgupta, M. Blanco, R. Frazier, E. S. Yamaguchi, Y. Tang and W. A. Goddard III. Structures, Vibrations, and Force Fields of Dithiophosphate Wear Inhibitors from Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100: 1576015769, 1996.

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1 Tower Hematology Oncology, Beverly Hills, CA 2 University Research Foundation for Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Coral Springs, FL 3 Department of Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel 4 Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge, MA 5 Division of Genetics, Children's Memorial Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 6 American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA * Contact Information Barry E. Rosenbloom, MD, FACP Tower Oncology 9090 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Tel.: 310 ; 888-8680 Fax: 310 ; 888-1886 E-mail: rosenbloom toweroncology and rezulin.
1. 2. 3. For a comprehensive description of the MEFA approach, for example, see Haberl et al. 2004 ; . We have explained this epistemological model and the associated idea of social systems being `hybrids' of the natural and the cultural sphere in more detail in Fischer-Kowalski and Weisz 1999 ; . This list included: `basic demographics and well-being of people', `ecosystem use', `socio-economic dynamism', `management, participation and governance', `values and attitudes', `information, education and research' and the `future seen through the eyes of experts and inhabitants' Lass and Reusswig, 2002, p. 10 ; . We have not dealt here with the process of generating policy goals and targets. One could of course make the model for sustainability assessment more complex by introducing feedback loops to goals and targets. One should not view that too mechanically: whenever a gap between reality and goals targets is identified, there is the option to modify targets in order to comply with reality: targets may appear as unrealistic or even undesirable in the light of new experiences. So `evaluation', in comparing goals and realities, always deals with both sides as candidates for change through management decisions and interventions.
Adams MM, Hof PR, Gattass R, Webster MJ, Ungerleider LG 2000 ; Visual cortical projections and chemoarchitecture of macaque monkey pulvinar. J Comp Neurol 419: 377393. Andersen R A, Asanuma C, Essick G, Siegel RM 1990 ; Corticocortical connections of anatomically and physiologically defined subdivisions within the inferior parietal lobule. J Comp Neurol 296: 65113. A nderson JC, Binzegger T, Martin K AC, Rock land KS 1998 ; The connections from cortical area V1 to V5: a light and electron microscopic study. J Neurosci 18: 1052510540. Baizer JS, Ungerleider LG, Desimone R 1991 ; Organization of visual inputs to the inferior temporal and posterior parietal cortex in macaques. J Neurosci 11: 168190. Baleydier C, Morel A 1992 ; Segregated thalamocortical pathways to inferior parietal and inferotemporal cortex in macaque monkey. Vis Neurosci 8: 391405. Barbas H 1986 ; Pattern in the laminar origin of corticocortical connections. J Comp Neurol 252: 415422. Barbas H, Rempel-Clower N 1997 ; Cortical structure predicts the pattern of corticocortical connections. Cereb Cortex 7: 635646. Barone P, Dehay C, Berland M, Kennedy H 1994 ; Developmental changes in the distribution of acetylcholinesterase in the extrastriate visual cortex of the monkey. Dev Brain Res 77: 290294. Barone P, Dehay C, Berland M, Bullier J, Kennedy H 1995 ; Developmental remodeling of primate visual cortical pathways. Cereb Cortex 5: 2238. Barone P, Dehay C, Berland M, Kennedy H 1996 ; Role of directed growth and target selection in the formation of cortical pathways: prenatal development of the projection of area V2 to area V4 in the monkey. J Comp Neurol 374: 120. Barone P, Berland M, Kennedy H 1998 ; Changes in convergence underly and rhinocort.

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Schmitt, H., and Schmitt, H.: Mechanisms of Potentiation of Reserpine Hypertension in Adrenalectomized Rats. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 132: 97 June ; , 1961. The authors investigated the mechanism of reserpine hypertension. In adrenalectomized rats, 1 mg. per Kg. of reserpine produced a mild and persistent arterial hypertension. This effect was enhanced by amphetamine and iproniazide. The enhaneement of reserpine action was greater than that produced with norepinephrine. Although pyrogallol and catecholamine potentiators also produced enhancement of reserpine hypertension, it was of the same magnitude as that produced with norepinephrine. The authors conclude that reserpine hypertension may result from many mechanisms, one of which may be by the release of norepinephrine, another, by the increased speed of liberation of catecholamine. RAKITA Schmitt, H., and Schmitt, H.: Non-sympathicolytic Inhibitors of Post-amphetamine Reserpine Hypertension. Arch. int. Pharmaeodyn. 132: 106 June ; , 1961. Using substances that inhibit the action of amphetamine and others that block postganglionic fibers, the authors investigated the influence of these drugs on reserpine-produced hypertension. The reserpine-induced hypertension, usually augmented after amphetamine, was inhibited by substances that interefere with the action of amphetamine. In contrast, drugs that blocked the postganglionic fibers did not alter reserpine hypertension. The authors conclude that there may be several types of norepinephrine the liberation of which may be antagonized by different mechanisms. RAKITA and reserpine. Medgenics has an experienced management team, Board of Directors, and Scientific Advisory Board SAB ; , as well as regulatory affairs advisors. The Company's leadership includes individuals with experience within the healthcare, finance, medical, and academic communities. Management Table 2 summarizes key individuals within management, followed by biographies and rhogam.

Circular lesions were deployed around each PV ostium at the atrial level and isolation was defined by the achievement of low bipolar potentials 0.1 mV ; inside the circular lesions and local activation time delays of 30 ms between contiguous points across the line 15 ; . Using these criteria, isolation was achieved in 75% of the patients. Interestingly, Pappone et al. 15 ; clearly pointed out that no significant relationship between lesion completeness and clinical outcome was observed and discussed that PV foci isolation might not have been the sole mechanism responsible for the cure of AF. Instead, the therapeutic efficacy was discussed as being related in part to an alteration of the substrate, changes in autonomic innervation, or atrial debulking 4, 15 ; . Furthermore and in contrast to the classic PV disconnection 8 ; , high success rates could be achieved in both subgroups i.e., in patients with paroxysmal as well as persistent AF ; 15 ; . comparison to the data reported by Pappone et al., the patients in our series needed more antiarrhythmic drugs and second procedures, which might be related to the learning curve of our group. In the present study, circular and linear left atrial lesions were combined and placed with guidance of the electromagnetic mapping system, thereby combining elements of the intraoperative IRAAF study 7 ; and the Pappone et al. 4 ; approach. Instead of encircling each PV, one big circle was placed around the PVs of each side, and linear lesions connected the two circles and also connected the left circle to the mitral annulus. Thereby, our approach theoretically targeted both the initiation as well as the perpetuation of AF. From a practical point of view, one big circle around the veins of each side protects from ablation in the transition zone between the upper and lower PVs, which often are separated only by a small fold instead of a linear atrial wall intersection. Furthermore, the addition of the linear lesions may have contributed to the very low incidence of stable left atrial flutter after ablation. Analysis of rhythm outcome after interventional therapy of AF. The analysis of the rhythm outcome after intraoperative ablation of AF already has indicated that early relapses of AF after ablation for substrate modification did not predict long-term treatment failure 7 ; . In the IRAAF study, twothirds of patients with persistent and one third of patients with paroxysmal AF were treated transiently with antiarrhythmic drugs because of early recurrences; however, stable sinus rhythm was achieved during follow-up in 90% of both patient subgroups 7 ; . To analyze the short- and long-term rhythm response after catheter ablation of AF, we used repetitive 7-day ECG recordings in the present study. Our results clearly indicate that the arrhythmia response after catheter ablation of AF using the current technique is far from being "all or nothing." In many patients, early AF recurrences were observed but stepwise passed away over time, indicating toward a reverse remodeling of the atria, although the percentage of patients on antiarrhythmic drugs decreased over time substantially from 90% directly after ablation to 40% after 12 months. The significant stepwise reduction of the relative time spent in.

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1. Grahmann H, Suchenwirth R. Thrombosis hazard in chlorpromazine and reserpine therapy of endogenous psychoses [in German]. Nervenarzt. 1959; 30: 224-225. Haefner H, Brehm I. Thromboembolic complications in neuroleptic treatment. Compr Psychiatry. 1965; 58: 25-34. Varia I, Krishnan RR, Davidson J. Deep-vein thrombosis with antipsychotic drugs. Psychosomatics. 1983; 24: 1097-1098. Thorogood M, Cowen P, Mann J, Murphy M, Vessey M. Fatal myocardial infarction and use of psychotropic drugs in young women. Lancet. 1992; 340: 10671068. Zornberg GL, Jick H. Antipsychotic drug use and risk of first-time idiopathic venous thromboembolism: a case-control study. Lancet. 2000; 356: 1219-1223. Parkin L, Skegg DC, Herbison GP, Paul C. Psychotropic drugs and fatal pulmonary embolism. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2003; 12: 647-652. Kapur S, Remington G. Atypical antipsychotics. BMJ. 2000; 321: 1360-1361. Walker AM, Lanza LL, Arellano F, Rothman KJ. Mortality in current and former users of clozapine. Epidemiology. 1997; 8: 671-677. Ihde-Scholl T, Rolli ML, Jefferson JW. Clozapine and pulmonary embolus. J Psychiatry. 2001; 158: 499-500. Hgg S, Spigset O, Sderstrm TG. Association of venous thromboembolism and clozapine. Lancet. 2000; 355: 1155-1156. Knudson JF, Kortepeter C, Dubitsky GM, Ahmad SR, Chen M. Antipsychotic drugs and venous thromboembolism. Lancet. 2000; 356: 252-253. Hgg S, Tatting P, Spigset O. Olanzapine and venous thromboembolism. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2003; 18: 299-300. Waage IM, Gedde-Dahl A. Pulmonary embolism possibly associated with olanzapine treatment. BMJ. 2003; 327: 1384. Hamanaka S, Kamijo Y, Nagai T, et al. Massive pulmonary thromboembolism demonstrated at necropsy in Japanese psychiatric patients treated with neuroleptics including atypical antipsychotics. Circ J. 2004; 68: 850-852. Ray JG, Mamdani MM, Yeo EL. Antipsychotic and antidepressant drug use in the elderly and the risk of venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost. 2002; 88: 205-209 and restasis.

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