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Additionally, a heightened awareness for possible opportunistic infections should be present in these studies. The mechanism by which flavopiridol produces cytotoxicity in tumor cell lines or fresh human tumor cells is currently unknown. Initial preliminary investigations of flavopiridol in breast and lung cancer cell lines demonstrated that flavopiridolinduced cell cycle arrest in both G1 and G2. These studies also demonstrated that flavopiridol was cytostatic to exponentially growing cells with little cytotoxic effect demonstrable in stationary nonproliferating cells.20 A subsequent study using MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines has demonstrated flavopiridol inhibits G1 progression by a reduction of activity of CDK2 and CDK4.16 In these studies, G1 inhibition of cell cycle progression occurred independent of functional p53 and Rb status. Similar inhibition of G2 progression occurs through flavopiridolinhibition of CDC2 activity with selective loss of phosphotyrosine content.21-23 Two recent reports challenged the notion that flavopiridol is cytostatic to proliferating cells by demonstrating overt cytotoxicity with drug incubation in several tumor cell lines independent of growth phase status.24, 25 Finally, Konig et al26 reported that flavopiridol induced growth inhibition and apoptosis in CLL cell lines with concomitant downregulation of bcl-2 protein and mRNA expression. Because bcl-2 overexpression inhibits apoptosis, the investigators suggested that modulation of bcl-2 might in part explain how flavopiridol induces cytotoxicity. This observation of bcl-2 protein downregulation had previously been observed by Schwartz et al27 in solid tumor cell lines but only in one of the two lymphoid cell lines recently examined by Parker et al.28 Our data from human CLL cells demonstrate that flavopiridol is overtly cytotoxic to cells that are in G0-1. Others have observed that cytotoxicity both at G0-1 and other cell cycle positions can occur both through or in the absence of apoptosis depending upon the specific type of tumor cell line.24, 25 The combined results of the tunnel and annexin studies on mononuclear CLL cell isolates suggest that flavopiridol induces.
1. The Holy Scripture. Philadelphia, Pa: The Jewish Publication Society of America; 1951. 2. Scherf D, Schott A. Extrasystoles, drugs and electrolytes. In: Extrasystoles and Allied Arrhythmias. Bath, UK: Yearbook Medical Publishers; 1973: 561 806. Mines GR. On circulating excitations in heart muscles and their possible relation to tachycardia and fibrillation. Trans R Soc Can. 1914; IV: 4352. 4. Einthoven W. Galvanometrische registratie van het menschilijk electrocardiogram. In: Herinneringsbundel. Rosenstein SS. Leiden, Germany: Eduard Ijdo; 1902: 101107. 5. Einthoven W. Die galvanometrische Registrierung des menschlichen Elektrokardiogramms, zugleich eine Beurtheilung der Anwendung des Capillr-Elektrometers in der Physiologie. Pflgers Arch ges Physiol. 1903; 99: 472 Winkle R. Antiarrhythmic drug effect mimicked by spontaneous variability of ventricular ectopy. Circulation. 1978; 57: 1116 Morganroth J, Michelson EL, Horowitz LN, et al. Limitations of routine long-term electrocardiographic monitoring to assess ventricular ectopic frequency. Circulation. 1978; 58: 408.
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Annualized Change Median Values ; Untreated Period Absolute All patients n 66 ; Volume score Agatston score Mass score Volume score Agatston score Mass score All values are medians. Patients with LDL cholesterol 25 mm3 28 6832 26 mm3 42 9647 25 mm3 20 4658 2.1 mm3 0.9 2302 8.8 0 5.1 Relative, % Treatment Period Absolute Relative.
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HIV infection at onset of immunodeficiency ; Lichen planus Polymorphous light eruption Seborrheic dermatitis Systemic lupus erythematosus Psoriasis Contact dermatitis Atopic dermatitis Trichinosis caused by periorbital swelling and edema ; Alcohol Drug effects * Penicillamine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents nifluric acid and phenylbutazone ; , hydroxyurea Hydrea ; , pravastatin Pravachol ; , clofibrate Atromid-S ; and ipecac HIV human immunodeficiency virus. * --A partial listing of drugs that can cause myositis and hydrocortisone.
The treatment of patients with hairy cell leukemia HCL ; has changed rapidly during the last 30 years. Treatment has evolved from splenectomy, which has no direct effect on the marrow infiltration, to a highly targeted immunotoxin BL22, which combines a specific antibody linked to truncated Pseudomonas exotoxin. Since HCL usually has an indolent course, treatment may not be required for many months or sometimes years after the diagnosis is established. Historically, therapy has been indicated when the patient develops life-threatening peripheral cytopenias, symptomatic splenomegaly or hepatomegaly or bulky adenopathy, repeated infections, or constitutional symptoms such as fever, night sweats or fatigue attributable to the disease. Peripheral blood.
Diotherapy, splenic irradiation became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. It offered symptomatic relief but probably did not prolong life. The first synthetic compound with activity in CML was busulfan, an alkylating agent. Busulfan is extremely toxic to stem cells, which may explain why it is particularly effective in the stem cell disease CML; it was the first therapeutic modality that offered a definitive survival benefit, although no randomized study was carried out. Interestingly, there are anecdotal cases of long-term remissions after high-dose busulfan Djaldetti et al., 1966 ; . Although superseded by more effective and less toxic alternatives, busulfan is still used in preparative regimens for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The next effective drug to be introduced for CML was hydrea. Compared with busulfan, hydrea does not cause prolonged cytopenias, since it primarily targets the more mature myeloid cells. It also has a far more benign nonhematological toxicity profile than busulfan. A survival advantage for hydrea over busulfan was shown in a controlled randomized trial Hehlmann et al., 1994 ; . Another drug with significant single agent activity in CML is cytarabine, although it never became widely used. Neither busulfan, hydrea, nor cytarabine produced cytogenetic remissions in a significant number of cases. The 1970s saw a number of trials using acute leukemia-type multiagent chemotherapy. In contrast to conventional chemotherapy, a proportion of patients achieved some degree of Ph-negative hematopoiesis Kantarjian et al., 1985 ; . However, as a rule, these were transient responses. Given the very considerable toxicity of polychemotherapy in CML, this approach was abandoned for patients in chronic phase. C. InterferonAt the beginning of the 1980s, interferon- was introduced as a therapy for CML. In contrast to other drug treatments, interferon- produced sustained cytogenetic responses in up to one-third of patients Talpaz et al., 1991 ; . The initial single center results were subsequently confirmed in randomized trials that demonstrated a survival advantage for interferon- over hydrea and busulfan Hehlmann et al., 1994; Italian Cooperative Study Group on CML, 1994 ; . A large randomized trial suggested that the combination of interferon- and cytarabine is superior to interferon alone Guilhot et al., 1997 ; , a finding that was not confirmed in a subsequent study Baccarani et al., 2002 ; . The cytogenetic remissions induced by interferon are durable in a proportion of patients, sometimes even after discontinuation of the agent Bonifazi et al., 2001 ; . Although, with RT-PCR, BCR-ABL mRNA is still detectable, these long-lasting remissions amount to a biological although not molecular cure of the disease. D. Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation A comprehensive evaluation of allografting for CML is beyond the scope of this review. As of now, allografting is and hydromorphone.
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Altered Cortical Pain Processing in Chronic Pain Patients L. VOSS and J. BARNARD Waikato Clinical School, University of Auckland, Hamilton, New Zealand Chronic pain is associated with neural plasticity at multiple levels in the nervous system. In this study we looked for evidence of altered cortical functioning through analysis of the EEG during repetitive sensory simulation of a finger. A group of patients with chronic pain was compared to a group of normal volunteers. The EEG of each subject was continuously recorded using a 28-channel montage. Brief repetitive at least 60 ; electric shocks were given via an electrode on the dominant index finger. Two intensities of electric shock were tailored to each subject, one that was easily felt but not painful and one that was moderately painful. The shocks were given in three sequences: 1 ; non-painful shocks, 2 ; painful shocks, 3 ; a random sequence of non-painful and painful shocks 4: 1 ratio ; . The raw EEG was cleaned and 0.5second post-stimulus epochs averaged for each sequence giving clear sensory evoked potentials SEPs ; . The SEPs were then analysed in greater detail. The most striking feature was the negative postive negative wave starting at approximately 200ms over the vertex. An increased amplitude was seen with painful stimuli versus non-painful stimuli. The wave was delayed by 20msec in the chronic pain patients versus the normal volunteers p 0.05 ; . In conclusion, detailed analysis of SEPs from multi-channel EEG demonstrates differences between the painful and non-painful stimuli and provides evidence of altered cortical processing in patients with chronic pain compared to normal volunteers and hydroxychloroquine.
Pulmonary artery endothelial cells. J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1998; 19: 819825. Comhair SA, Thomassen MJ, Erzurum SC. Differential induction of extracellular glutathione peroxidase and nitric oxide synthase-2 in airways of healthy individuals exposed to 100% O2 or cigarette smoke. J Respir Cell Moll Biol 2000; 23: 350354. Barnes PJ. Molecular mechanisms of corticosteroids in allergic diseases. Allergy 2001; 56: 928936. Barnes PJ, Adcock IM. Transcription factors and asthma. Eur Respir J 1998; 12: 221234. Raychaudhuri B, Dweik R, Connors MJ, et al. Nitric oxide blocks nuclear factor-kB activation in alveolar macrophages. J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1999; 21: 311316.
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| TABLE 3. Treatment Effects During 36 Months on Progression of the Common Carotid Artery IMTmean and Carotid Artery Bifurcation IMTmax by the Intention-to-Treat Analysis.
19 1 2 The O2 and CO2 profiles obtained from tampon sensors used during nonmenstrual conditions and from tampon sensors used during menstruation that subsequently were found to have low menses loads 3.5 g ; were found to be similar in general characteristics Figure 5 and 6 ; . In most cases, the measured pO2 in tampons was observed to decline slowly from an initial high value, but remained high greater than 100 mm Hg ; during the course of the evaluation and did not approach the low pO2 measured in the vagina Figures 3 and 4 ; . On the other hand, pCO2 in tampons were observed to increase rapidly from initial low values and approach the partial pressure measured in the vagina 50-65 mm Hg ; . Appreciably different O2 and CO2 profiles were observed from tampons subsequently found to be highly loaded with menses 6.0 g ; , as shown in Figure 7. In these cases, the measured pO2 was found to drop to below 60 mm Hg and the measured pCO2 was observed to rise to levels above those typically measured in the vagina during menstruation 50-65 mm Hg ; . Although the profiles shown in Figure 7 indicate some variation in these trends, profiles under these conditions show an intersection between O2 and CO2 profiles. The data from these complex curves were subjected to statistical analyses to determine if the trends observed were real. Multiple statistical models were used to evaluate the data, and all models provided similar conclusions. The model reported in Table 3 compared the changes in pO2 and pCO2 values at the beginning the end of the experiment to determine if the changes were real. The results of the statistical analysis demonstrated that the pO2 and pCO2 levels in tampons were significantly different between low load and high load tampons. The results allow us to discuss the implications of these data. Of particular interest are tampon O2 and CO2 profiles obtained from a single participant on two consecutive days during menstruation wearing different tampon products see Figure 8 and ibritumomab.
RESULTS All fragments could be removed by one of both techniques. In none of the horses post-surgical complications articular distension, swelling, bleeding, pain ; had been observed whatever the technique used. Surgical time varied from 8 to 45 minutes. 54 horses were operated. One year after surgery, 42 horses had returned to their previous activity at the same level or at a higher level, without clinical signs correlated to the limb which had been operated. Two horses died for unrelated reasons colic ; , 8 horses were discharged for reasons of poor performance, 4 remained lame due to unassociated lesions 2 had foot pain, 1 had femorotibial osteoarthritis, 1 had back pain with sacroiliac osteoarthritis ; . DISCUSSION The advantages of arthroscopy over arthrotomy have been extensively demonstrated and arthroscopy is the method of choice for the removal of fragments from the plantar aspect of the fetlock joint. According to the authors the techniques vary. Most of them Foerner, Houttu, Mc Ilwraith, Whitton ; recommend placing the horse in lateral recumbency and using the technique of ipsilateral triangulation with a separation of the fragment with the help of cutting instruments. Contrary to this, others like Simon 2000 ; recommend to place the horse in dorsal recumbency and to use the technique of contralateral triangulation. While most authors use cutting instrument, Simon dissects the fragment with the help of electrocoagulation. Arthroscopic elec and hydrea.
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Uniformity and mortality were not significantly affected by lighting program, strain, or temperature. There were no notable interaction effects on any of these variables. These results indicate that the processing performance of different strains may be negatively impacted by lighting programs generally accepted to improve live performance. Key Words: broiler, lighting program, temperature and idarubicin.
Prescriber may need to adjust doses accordingly. AZT and Zerit shouldn't be used together due to evidence that one limits the other's bioavailability level in the test tube. Also, risk of bone marrow toxicity may increase with use of ganciclovir, amphotericin B, pentamidine NebuPent, Pentam or Pentacarmat ; , dapsone, flucytosine, interferon-alpha ribavirin Rebetol ; , and with other antineoplastics anti-tumor treatment ; such as hydroxyurea. Ribavirin and AZT may cancel each other out. Tips: Do not use with Hydrea hydroxyurea ; . Retrovir has somewhat of a bad rep left over from its early years when the doses given were too high. Studies show that Retrovir crosses the blood-brain barrier to a useful degree, which may treat or prevent neurologic damage such as dementia ; . Proven to significantly reduce mother-toinfant transmission. Also available in Combivir one tablet twice a day, combined with Epivir ; and in a triple combination in Trizivir one tablet twice a day combined with both Epivir and Ziagen.
1. Wiesner RH, LaRusso NF. Clinicopathologic features of the syndrome of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Gastroenterology 1980; 79: 200206. Chapman RW, Jewell DP. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: an immunologically mediated disease? West J Med 1985; 143: 193195. Crippin JS. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: etiology and immunology. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1992; 4: 261265. Wiesner RH, Grambsch PM, Dickson ER, et al. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: natural history, prognostic factors, and survival analysis. Hepatology 1989; 10: 430436. MacCarty RL, LaRusso NF, Wiesner RH, Ludwig J. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: findings on cholangiography and pancreatography. Radiology 1983; 149: 3944. Ueno Y, LaRusso NF. Primary sclerosing cholangitis. J Gastroenterol 1994; 29: 531543. Lindor KD, Wiesner RH, MacCarty RL, Ludwig J, LaRusso NF. Advances in primary sclerosing cholangitis. J Med 1990; 89: 7380. Johnson GK, Greenen JE, Venu RP, et al. Endoscopic treatment of biliary strictures in sclerosing cholangitis: follow-up assessment of a new therapeutic approach. Gastrointest Endosc 1987; 33: 9 Cotton PB, Nickl N. Endoscopic and radiologic approaches to therapy in primary sclerosing cholangitis. Semin Liver Dis 1991; 11: 4048. Beuers U, Spengler U, Sackmann M, Paumgartner G, Sauerbruch T. Deterioration of cholestasis after endoscopic retrograde cholangiography in advanced primary sclerosing cholangitis. J Hepatol 1992; 15: 140143. Fulcher AS, Turner MA. Half-Fourier RARE MRCP in 300 subjects. Radiology 1998; 207: 21 Guibaud L, Bret PM, Reinhold C, Atri M, Barkun AN. Bile duct obstruction and choledocholithiasis: diagnosis with MR cholangiography. Radiology 1995; 197: 109115. Chan YL, Chan AC, Lam WW. Choledocholithiasis: comparison of MR cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Radiology 1996; 200: 8589. Regan F, Fradin J, Khazan R, Bohlman M, Magnuson T. Choledocholithiasis: evaluation with MR cholangiography. AJR J Roentgenol 1996; 167: 14411445. Morimato K, Shimoi M, Shirakawa T, et al. Biliary obstruction: evaluation with three-dimensional MR cholangiography. Radiology 1992; 183: 578580. Schuster DM, Pedrosa MC, Robbins AH. Magnetic resonance cholangiography. Abdom Imaging 1995; 20: 353356 and ifex.
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