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CS6 Fluorine-18 and Iodine-124 Radiohalogenation Using a polymer Micro-Reactor J M Gillies1 * , C. Prenant1, J.Zweit1, 2 1 CR-UK UMIST Radiochemical Targeting and Imaging, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Christie Hospital, Manchester M20 4BX, & 2Department of Instrumentation and Analytical Sciences, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD , UK. Size really does matter. Nanotechnology, the miniaturization of macroscale processes and devices, offers distinct advantages to PET radiochemistry. In particular, the intrinsic reduction in resources and logistics required for PET radiochemical preparations. Here we show the first application of a microfabricated reaction system to PET radiochemistry, we term "microfluidic PET". The short half-life of the positron-emitting isotopes and the trace chemical quantities used in radiolabelling make PET radiochemistry amenable to miniaturization. Microfluidic, technologies are capable of controlling and transferring tiny quantities of liquids which allow chemical and biochemical assays to be integrated and carried out on a small scale. Such technologies provide distinct advantages over current methods of PET radiochemical synthesis. Significantly, radiochemical reactions on-chip can be easily shielded and will not require the space and resources required for conventional hot cell synthesis. Secondly, it provides a scope for an integrated total system synthesis, separation and analysis ; . Thirdly, due to the rapid and thorough mixing achieved in miniaturised reactors, the speed and specific activities of radiochemical syntheses could be enhanced. Finally, the photolithographic fabrication of the microfabricated device allows the manufacture of complex, yet relatively inexpensive and disposable devices. To demonstrate "proof of principle" we have investigated the radiohalogenation of small and large molecular weight molecules using the microfluidic device. These reactions involved the direct radioiodination of the apoptosis marker Annexin-V using Iodine-124, the indirect radioiodination of the anticancer drug doxorubicin from a tin-butyl precursor, and the radiosynthesis of 2-[18F]FDG from a mannose triflate precursor and fluorine-18 and hence provide a test bed for microfluidic reactions. We demonstrate the rapid radioiodination of the protein Annexin V 40% radiochemical yield within 1 min ; and the rapid radiofluorination of 2-[18F]FDG 60% radiochemical yield within 4 seconds ; using a polymer micro-reactor chip. Chromatographic analysis showed that the labelling efficiency of the microfluidic chip is comparable to conventional PET radiolabelling reactions. This development represents a major breakthrough and has the potential to revolutionise PET radiochemistry. Equations are to be typewritten or carefully hand lettered. Clearly indicate capital and lower case letters. Label Greek and unusual symbols the first time they appear. Use fractional exponents instead of root signs. The solidus ; for fractions will save vertical space. Equation numbers should be cited in the text without parentheses: e.g., Eq. 9.

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Pixantrone is being studied as a substitute for the anthracycline doxorubicin in the CHOP regimen, a combination therapy that is the standard of care in the first-line treatment of aggressive NHL, where it is potentially curative in approximately 40 percent of patients. In the U.S., CHOP is not normally used in patients who relapse due to doxorubicin-related cardiac toxicity. RAPID, a phase II study for patients with aggressive NHL, is currently enrolling patients. The study will evaluate pixantrone as part of the CPOP-R CPOP plus rituximab ; compared to the standard treatment regimen, CHOP-R. Adult patients with previously untreated stage II-IV diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are eligible to participate. Low-density infarcts within the left frontal, right parietal, right cerebellar, and pontine regions. An arteriogram showed occluded bilateral internal carotid arteries with "puff of smoke" collateralization arising from the circle of Willis Figure 1 ; . Collateral circulation was via lenticulostriate, thalamic perforating, meningeal, and transdural collateral arteries from branches fed by the external carotid artery. An abnormal chest roentgenogram demonstrated diffuse, nodular pulmonary opacities. Lung biopsy histologically confirmed eosinophilic granuloma Figure 2 ; . Intravenous pyelogram was suspicious for left renal artery stenosis, but subsequent arteriogram demonstrated polycystic kidney disease. The patient declined external-internal carotid artery bypass surgery. For 2 years she did well, until she presented to the emergency room with the sudden onset of headache, slurred speech, and left-sided weakness. A head computed tomogram demonstrated right putaminal hemorrhage with extension into the ventricle. Within hours, she progressed to bilateral decerebrate posturing. After a prolonged course in the intensive care unit, her neurologic status deteriorated to brain death. Autopsy was declined. Abstract 1677 ARE HEALTH STATUS AND QOL ASSOCIATED WITH COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY USE IN TRANSPLANT PATIENTS? Barbara J. Matthees, Cynthia R. Gross, Mary J. Kreitzer, Kay Savik, Puree Anantachoti, Marshall I. Hertz, Academic Health Center, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead, MN Patients post lung transplant Tx ; experience complex physical psychological and emotional side-effects. They may choose to alleviate these chronic problems through the use of various complementary and alternative therapies CAM ; . This descriptive study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of CAM use and determine if CAM users differ from non-users with respect to health status, QOL, treatment satisfaction or adherence. A mailed self-report survey was sent to 145 lung Tx recipients 6 months or more post-transplant. 99 patients responded. Respondents were: female 58%; mean age of 51 yrs; time from transplant median 50 mos, range 9123; with heart-lung 9% ; , single lung 55% ; , or bilateral single lung 36% ; transplants. Patients were asked about use of 23 different CAM therapies and 88% reported using at least one. 71% reported using more than one CAM therapy median 2 ; . Only 44% of those using CAM reported discussing CAM with their providers. Prayer 69% ; , support group 43% ; , and nutritional supplements 21% ; were the most common. Overall, few differences were found between CAM users and non-users. CAM users, in general, were more likely to be college educated. Women were more likely to report use of prayer. Support group participants reported having higher steroid-related side effects. Other CAMs users reported more Illness-Intrusion, more symptoms and depression on the CES-D scale. Patients with high symptom burden are likely to use particular forms of CAMs. Physicians may assume that most Lung Tx patients are using some CAM therapies and need to explore potentials for interaction or enhancement with standard therapy.

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Topiramate is accepted for restricted use in NHS Scotland for its extended monotherapy ; indication. It should be initiated only by physicians with experience in the treatment of epilepsy. Its use for second line therapy is unaffected by this recommendation. Not recommended for use in NHS Scotland. Less cardiotoxic than conventional doxorubicin, but associated with other troublesome adverse effects, particularly palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia. Significantly more expensive than the standard doxorubicin formulation Accepted for use in NHS Scotland. This combination allows administration of a single tablet incorporating ingredients routinely combined for the listed indication. This may improve convenience to the patient. Depending on the doses and formulations being replaced, conversion to the combination may result in a modest increase in cost or less commonly ; a cost saving. Frovatriptan is accepted for use within NHS Scotland for the treatment of the headache phase of migraine attacks with or without aura. It is the seventh 5HT1 agonist to be marketed. It is less expensive than existing drugs Travoprost is accepted for restricted use in NHS Scotland for the treatment of raised intraocular pressure IOP ; in patients who have contra-indications to beta blockers or have a history of adverse reactions to this group of drugs. It may also be indicated in addition to beta blockers when required Fluvastatin is accepted for restricted use in NHS Scotland for the secondary prevention of coronary events after percutaneous coronary angioplasty PCI ; . Fluvastatin is best placed for the management of patients previously untreated with a statin and dronabinol.

Nagy A, Armatis P, Cai RZ, Szepeshazi K, Halmos G, Schally AV 1997 Design, synthesis, and in vitro evaluation of cytotoxic analogs of bombesin-like peptides containing doxorubicin or its intensely potent derivative, 2pyrrolinodoxorubicin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94: 652-656. A , no effect; , an effect that would be expected to be advantageous to a prophylactic action, i.e. coliforms eliminated or reduced in number, or an antibacterial urine established and dss. 153 ; Kabuto Y, Senda M, Hashizume H, Kinoshita A, Inoue H. Time course changes of nerve conduction velocity in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome after endoscopic surgery. Acta Med.Okayama 2001 Jun; 55 3 ; : 185-91. 154 ; Kamath V, Stothard J. A clinical questionnaire for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. J.Hand Surg.[Br.] 2003 Oct; 28 5 ; : 455-9. 155 ; Kaplan SJ, Glickel SZ, Eaton RG. Predictive factors in the non-surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. J.Hand Surg.[Br.] 1990 Feb; 15 1 ; : 106-8. 156 ; Karl AI, Carney ML, Kaul MP. The lumbrical provocation test in subjects with median inclusive paresthesia. Arch.Phys.Med.Rehabil. 2001 Jul; 82 7 ; : 935-7. 157 ; Katz JN, Stirrat CR, Larson MG, Fossel AH, Eaton HM, Liang MH. A selfadministered hand symptom diagram for the diagnosis and epidemiologic study of carpal tunnel syndrome. J.Rheumatol. 1990 Nov; 17 11 ; : 1495-8. 158 ; Katz JN, Stirrat CR. A self-administered hand diagram for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. J.Hand Surg.[Am.] 1990 Mar; 15 2 ; : 360-3. 159 ; Katz JN, Larson MG, Sabra A, Krarup C, Stirrat CR, Sethi R, Eaton HM, Fossel AH, Liang MH. The carpal tunnel syndrome: diagnostic utility of the history and physical examination findings. Ann.Intern.Med. 1990 Mar 1; 112 5 ; : 321-7. 160 ; Katz JN, Larson MG, Fossel AH, Liang MH. Validation of a surveillance case definition of carpal tunnel syndrome. Am.J.Public Health 1991 Feb; 81 2 ; : 189-93. 161 ; Katz JN, Lew RA, Bessette L, Punnett L, Fossel AH, Mooney N, Keller RB. Prevalence and predictors of long-term work disability due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Am.J.Ind.Med. 1998 Jun; 33 6 ; : 543-50. 162 ; Katz JN, Losina E, Amick BC, III, Fossel AH, Bessette L, Keller RB. Predictors of outcomes of carpal tunnel release. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 May; 44 5 ; : 1184-93. 163 ; Katz RT. NC-stat as a screening tool for carpal tunnel syndrome in industrial workers. J.Occup.Environ.Med. 2006 Apr; 48 4 ; : 414-8. 164 ; Kaul MP, Pagel KJ, Dryden JD. Lack of predictive power of the "tethered" median stress test in suspected carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch.Phys.Med.Rehabil. 2000 Mar; 81 3 ; : 348-50. 165 ; Kaul MP, Pagel KJ, Dryden JD. When to use the combined sensory index. Muscle Nerve 2001 Aug; 24 8 ; : 1078-82. 166 ; Kaul MP, Pagel KJ. Value of the lumbrical-interosseous technique in carpal tunnel syndrome. Am.J.Phys.Med.Rehabil. 2002 Sep; 81 9 ; : 691-5.

Doxorubicin pregnancy

Were now composed, it would be found incongruous. For of all measures the heroic is the stateliest and the most massive; and hence it most readily admits rare words and metaphors, which is another point in which the narrative form of imitation stands alone. On the other hand, the iambic and the trochaic tetrameter are stirring measures, the latter being akin to dancing, the former expressive of action. Still more absurd would it be to mix together different meters, as was done by Chaeremon. Hence no one has ever composed a poem on a great scale in any other than heroic verse. Nature herself, as we have said, teaches the choice of the proper measure. Homer, admirable in all respects, has the special merit of being the only poet who rightly appreciates the part he should take himself. The poet should speak as little as possible in his own person, for it is not this that makes him an imitator. Other poets appear themselves upon the scene throughout, and imitate but little and rarely. Homer, after a few prefatory words, at once brings in a man, or woman, or other personage; none of them wanting in characteristic qualities, but each with a character of his own. The element of the wonderful is required in Tragedy. The irrational, on which the wonderful depends for its chief effects, has wider scope in Epic poetry, because there the person acting is not seen. Thus, the pursuit of Hector would be ludicrous if placed upon the stage- the Greeks standing still and not joining in the pursuit, and Achilles waving them back. But in the Epic poem the absurdity passes unnoticed. Now the wonderful is pleasing, as may be inferred from the fact that every one tells a story with some addition of his knowing that his hearers like it. It is Homer who has chiefly taught other poets the art of telling lies skilfully. The secret of it lies in a fallacy For, assuming that if one thing is or becomes, a second is or becomes, men imagine that, if the second is, the first likewise is or becomes. But this is a false inference. Hence, where the first thing is untrue, it is quite and dulcolax. The Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School, the Brockton West Roxbury Veteran's Administration Medical Center and the Brigham and Women's Hospital are seeking a Senior Biomechanical Engineer to direct the research activities in the Biomechanics Laboratory at the West Roxbury V.A. Center. This individual will also hold appointments at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Government benefits are offered. Please call 617 ; 732-5362 for an application. 1. Chan S, Friedrichs K, Noel D et al. Prospective randomized trial of docetaxel versus doxorubicin in patients with metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17: 23412354. Mouridsen H, Sun Y, Gershanovich M et al. Final survival analysis of the double-blind, randomized, multinational phase III trial of letrozole Femara ; compared to tamoxifen as first-line hormonal therapy for advanced breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2001; 69: 211 Abstr 9 ; . 3. Klijn J, Beex L, Mauriac L et al. Combined treatment with buserelin and tamoxifen in premenopausal metastatic breast cancer: a randomized study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000; 92: 903911. Paridaens R, Sylvester RJ, Ferrazzi E et al. Clinical significance of the quantitative assessment of estrogen receptors in advanced breast cancer. Cancer 1980; 46: 28892895. Demers LM. Effects of fadrozole and letrozole on the inhibition of aromatase activity in breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1994; 30: 95102. Geisler J, King N, Dowsett M et al. Influence of anastrozole Arimidex ; , a selective, non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, on in vivo aromatisation and plasma oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women with breast cancer. Br J Cancer 1996; 74: 12861291. Paridaens R, Thomas J, Wildiers J et al. Safety, activity and estrogen inhibition by exemestane in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: a phase I study. Anticancer Drugs 1998; 9: 675683. Bonneterre J, Thrlimann B, Robertson JFR et al. Anastrozole versus tamoxifen as first-line therapy for advanced breast cancer in 668 postmenopausal women: results of the Tamoxifen or Arimidex Randomized Group Efficacy and Tolerability Study. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18: 3748 Nabhlotz JM, Buzdar A, Pollak M et al. Anastrozole is superior to tamoxifen as first-line therapy for advanced breast cancer in postmeno19 and duragesic.

Doxorubicin topoisomerase 2

2000; 22 1 ; : 137-40. Review. 21 ; . Callen DF, Baker E, Simmers RN, Seshadri R, Roninson IB. Localization of the human multiple drug resistance gene, MDR1, to 7q21.1. Hum Genet 1987; 77 2 ; : 142-4. 22 ; . Scotto KW, Johnson RA. Transcription of the multidrug resistance gene MDR1: a therapeutic target. Molecular Interventions 2001; 1: 117-125. ; . Hirsch-Ernst KI, Ziemann C, Schmitz-Salue C, Foth H, Kahl GF. Modulation of P-glycoprotein and mdr1b mRNA expression by growth factors in primary rat hepatocyte culture. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995; 215 1 ; : 179-85. 24 ; . Hirsch-Ernst KI, Ziemann C, Foth H, Kozian D, Schmitz-Salue C, Kahl GF. Induction of mdr1b mRNA and P-glycoprotein expression by tumor necrosis factor alpha in primary rat hepatocyte cultures. J Cell Physiol 1998; 176 3 ; : 506515. 25 ; . Fardel O, Lecureur V, Daval S, Corlu A, Guillouzo A. Up-regulation of Pglycoprotein expression in rat liver cells by acute doxorubicin treatment. Eur J Biochem 1997; 246 1 ; : 186-92. 26 ; . Thevenod F, Friedmann JM, Katsen AD, Hauser IA. Up-regulation of multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein via nuclear factor-kappaB activation protects kidney proximal tubule cells from cadmium- and reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosis. J Biol Chem 2000; 275 3 ; : 1887-96. 27 ; . Chin KV, Neda K, Pastan I, Gottesman MM. Modulation of activity of the promoter of the human MDR1 gene by Ras and p53. Science 1992; 255: 459462. ; . Synold TW, Dussault I, Forman BM. The orphan nuclear receptor SXR coordinately regulates drug metabolism and efflux. Nat Med 2001; 7 5 ; : 584-90. 29 ; . Bush JA, Li G. Regulation of the Mdr1 isoforms in a p53-deficient mouse model. Carcinogenesis 2002; 23 10 ; : 1603-7. 30 ; . Comerford KM, Wallace TJ, Karhausen J, Louis NA, Montalto MC, Colgan SP. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1-dependent regulation of the multidrug resistance MDR1 ; gene. Cancer Res 2002; 62 12 ; : 3387-94. 31 ; . Cripe LD, Gelfanov VM, Smith EA, Spigel DR, Phillips CA, Gabig TG, Jung SH, Fyffe J, Hartman AD, Kneebone P, Mercola D, Burgess GS, Boswell HS. Role for c-jun N-terminal kinase in treatment-refractory acute myeloid leukemia AML ; : signaling to multidrug-efflux and hyperproliferation. Leukemia 2002; 16 5 ; : 799-812. 32 ; . Kuo MT, Liu Z, Wei Y, Lin-Lee YC, Tatebe S, Mills GB, Unate H. Induction of human MDR1 gene expression by 2-acetylaminofluorene is mediated by effectors of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway that activate NF-kappaB signaling. Oncogene 2002; 21 13 ; : 1945-54. 33 ; . Yang JM, Vassil AD, Hait WN. Activation of phospholipase C induces the expression of the multidrug resistance MDR1 ; gene through the Raf-MAPK pathway. Mol Pharmacol 2001; 60 4 ; : 674-80. 34 ; . Ding S, Chamberlain M, McLaren A, Goh L, Duncan I, Wolf CR. Cross-talk between signalling pathways and the multidrug resistant protein MDR-1. Br J Cancer 2001; 85 8 ; : 1175-84. Quantitative determinations of HCG are used to predict complications especially in early pregnancy, e.g. pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy. About 2030% of all pregnancies end in an early pregnancy loss, which often takes place before the pregnancy is clinically recognized Wilcox et al., 1988 ; . This condition became generally recognized when rapid and sensitive HCG assays were introduced into clinical practice, but initially an elevated HCG value in young women without evidence of pregnancy was often classified as a false-positive test Seppl et al., 1980 ; . Early pregnancy loss, which also is called `biochemical pregnancy' Walker et al., 1988 ; , is now well recognized. This condition is associated with lower than expected HCG levels, and assay of HCG in serum is used to identify it especially in connection with ART Figure 5 ; . Rapid identification of early pregnancy loss is of value in ART. A failing pregnancy is usually associated with a slower than normal increase in serum HCG, which gradually turns into a decrease Korhonen et al., 1994 ; . Pregnancy outcome can be predicted with fairly high accuracy using a single HCG determination in serum 1216 days after embryo transfer Schmidt et al., 1994; Poikkeus et al., 2002 ; . A threatening abortion can be identified more accurately by serial determinations of serum HCG, and the patients are usually highly motivated to participate in intense monitoring. The increase in serum HCG level is exponential, i.e. the concentrations double in 1.52 days in successful pregnancies. However, the rate of increase varies considerably between individuals. On the basis of the range of increase rates observed, various formulas and algorithms for identification of early pregnancy loss have been developed. In a viable pregnancy achieved by IVF, the median increase in HCG is 50% per day and 124% in 2 days Barnhart et al., 2004 ; . For the identification of a threatening abortion, the slowest increase in a successful pregnancy is important. The minimal daily increase in symptomatic patients with a viable pregnancy is 24% and that in 2 days 53%. A slower increase is thus a strong indication for an imminent abortion Barnhart et al., 2004 ; . In ectopic pregnancies achieved by IVF, the increase in serum HCG is on average delayed by 1.5 days, but the rate of increase is usually normal for the first 4 weeks after embryo transfer. This indicates that implantation is delayed Korhonen et al., 1996 ; . Determination of HCG in combination with sonography is used to and echinacea.

Doxorubicin for canines

Source: JETRO Survey, Japan External Trade Organization ; The most common reactions to EU enlargement by Japanese manufacturing affiliates in Central and Eastern Europe were expansion of existing manufacturing bases in Central and Eastern Europe 14 companies, 51.9% of respondent companies ; , establishment of new manufacturing bases in Central and Eastern Europe 11 companies, 40.7% ; , reduction integration of existing facilities in Western Europe and relocation of manufacturing bases from Western Europe to Central and Eastern Europe 5 companies each, 18.5% for both ; [See Diagram 3-15].
Taxotere in combination with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of patients with operable node-positive breast cancer and efalizumab. With unlawful financial inducements to use the Covered Drugs, and by subsequently failing to disclose such practices to the Patients and others from whom reimbursement was sought, defendants engaged in a repeated, fraudulent, and unlawful course of conduct constituting a pattern of racketeering. 34 and doxorubicin.

1. Mathers C, Ma Fat D, Inoue M, Rao C, Lopez AD. Counting the dead and what they died of: an assessment of the global status of cause of death data. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2005; 83: 171-7. Chandrasekar C, Deming W. On a method of estimating birth and death rates and the extent of registration. Journal of American Statistics Association 1949; 44: 101-15. Hauser PM. The use of sampling for vital registration and vital statistics. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1954; 11: 1-2. Bovet P, Ross AG, Gervasoni J-P, Mkamba M, Mtasiwa DM, Lengeler C, et al. Distribution of blood pressure, body mass index, smoking habits and associations with socio-economic status in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. International Journal of Epidemiology 2002; 31: 240-7. Setel P, Abeyasekera S, Ward P, Hemed Y, Whiting D, Mswia R, et al. Development, validation, and performance of a rapid consumption expenditure proxy for measuring income poverty in Tanzania: experience from AMMP demographic surveillance sites. In: The INDEPTH Network, editor. Measuring health equity through demographic surveillance sites. Abingdon UK: Ashgate in press ; . 6. Lopez AD. Counting the dead in China. Measuring tobacco's impact in the developing world [editorial]. BMJ 1998; 317: 1399-1400. Williams BG, Gouws E, Boschi-Pinto C, Bryce J, Dye C. Estimates of worldwide distribution of child deaths from acute respiratory infections. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2002; 2: 25-32. Black RE, Morris SS, Bryce J. Where and why are 10 million children dying every year? Lancet 2003; 361: 2226-34. Mswia R, Lewanga M, Moshiro C, Whiting D, Wolfson L, Hemed Y, et al. Community-based monitoring of safe motherhood in the United Republic of Tanzania. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2003; 81: 87-94. United Nations Population Division, United Nations Statistics Division. World population prospects: the 2000 revision. demographic yearbook. New York: United Nations; 2000. 11. Lawn JE, Cousens S, Zupan J. 4 million neonatal deaths: When? Where? Why? Lancet 2005; 365: 891-900. Hill K. Approaches to the measurement of childhood mortality: a comparative review. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health; 1992. IIVRS Paper No. 51. 13. Arudo J, Gimnig JE, ter Kuile FO, Kachur SP, Slutsker L, Kolczak MS, et al. Comparison of government statistics and demographic surveillance to monitor mortality in children less than five years old in rural western Kenya. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2003; 68 4 Suppl: 30-7. 14. Jewkes R, Wood K. Competing discourses of vital registration and personhood: perspectives from rural South Africa. Social Science and Medicine 1998; 46: 1043-56. Lu T-H, Janes CR, Lee M-C, Chou M-C, Shih TP. High frequency death certifiers in Taiwan: a sociocultural product. Social Science & Medicine 2002; 55: 1663-9. Bulletin of the World Health Organization | August 2005, 83 8 and eletriptan.

Doxorubicin heart damage

91; 8] epirubicin was identified through screening a series of doxorubicin derivatives that could potentially improve therapeutic index as compared with the parent compound. ONSOLIDATION with high-dose cytosine arabinoside produces durable complete remission CR ; in 25% to 50% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia AML ; in first Based on this, a number of centers have adopted a policy of delaying allogeneic bone marrow transplantation BMT ; until first relapse for patients with newly diagnosed AML. Actuarial disease-free survival DFS ; 3 to 5 years after transplant is 20% to 30% for such patientsh6 Transplantation in second CR does not improve outcome, so the optimal time for allogeneic BMT in patients with relapsed AML is during untreated first r e l Recurrent leukemia accountsfor up to one half of all treatment failures after allogeneic BMT for relapsed One approach to reducing relapse is intensification of the preparative regimen. Based on the activity of high-dose etoposide and cyclophosphamide in resistant hematologic malignancy, ' our group performed a trial in which a standard preparative regimen, cyclophosphamide with total body irradiation CyTBI ; , was modified by addition of etoposide and by escalation of cyclophosphamide dose. Pulmonary and hepatic toxicity prevented escalation above the maximum tolerated dose, which included etoposide 1.8 m2 ; with cyclophosphamide 180 mgkg and 1, 000 cGy TB1 VP1.8 Cy 180 1, OOO ; . Forty patients with AML in untreated first relapse received allogeneic BMT from histocompatible siblings during phase W trials with this regimen VPCyTBI ; . We now 1 report the outcome of transplantation for these patients and elidel.

1. Bangham AD, Standish HM, Watkins JC: Diffusion of univalent ions across the lamellae of swollen phospholipids. J Mol Biol 1965; 13: 238-52. Gregoriades G, Swain CP, Wills EJ, Tavill AS. Drug-carrier potential of liposomes in cancer chemotherapy. Lancet 1974; 1: 1313-6. Harrington KJ, Lewanski CR, Stewart JSW. Liposomes as vehicles for targeted therapy of cancer. Part 1: Preclinical development. Clin Oncol R Coll Radiol ; 2000; 12: 2-15. Turner AF, Presant CA, Proffitt RT, et al. In-111-labelled liposomes: dosimetry and tumour depiction. Radiology 1988; 166: 761-5. Presant CA, Proffitt RT, Turner AF, et al. Successful imaging of human cancer with Indium-111-labelled phospholipid vesicles. Cancer 1988; 62: 905-11. Presant CA, Blayney D, Proffitt RT, et al. Preliminary report: imaging of Kaposi sarcoma and lymphoma in AIDS with indium-111-labelled liposomes. Lancet 1990; 335: 1307-9. Gabizon A, CatanerR, Uziely B, et al. Prolonged circulation time and enhanced accumulation in malignant exudates of doxorubicin encapsulated in polethylene-glycol coated liposomes. Cancer Res 1994; 54: 987-92. Northfelt DW, Martin FJ, Working P, et al. Doxorubicin encapsulated in liposomes containing surface-bound polyethylene glycol: pharmacokinetics, tumour localisation, and safety in patients with AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. J Clin Pharmacol 1996; 36: 55-63. Harrington KJ, Mohammadtaghi S, Uster PS, et al. Effective targeting of solid tumours in patients with locally advanced cancers by radiolabelled pegylated liposomes. Clin Cancer Res 2001; 7: 243-54. Embree L, Gelmon KA, Lohr A, et al. Chromatographic analysis and pharmacokinetics of liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin in non small-cell lung cancer patients. J Pharm Sci 1993; 82: 627-34. Batist G, Winer E, Navari R, et al. Decreased cardiac toxicity by TLC D-99 liposome encapsulated doxorubicin ; vs. doxorubicin in a randomised trial of metastatic breast carcinoma MBC ; . Proc Soc Clin Oncol 1998; 7: 115a abstract 443 ; . 12. Batist G, Rao SC, Ramakrishnan G, et al. Phase III study of liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin TLC D-99 ; versus doxorubicin DOX ; in combination with cyclophosphamide CPA ; in patients with metastatic breast cancer MBC ; . Proc Soc Clin Oncol 1999; 18: 127a abstract 486 ; . 13. Harris L, Winer E, Batist G, et al. Phase III study of TLC D99 liposome encapsulated doxorubicin ; vs. free doxorubicin Dox ; in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma MBC ; . Proc Soc Clin Oncol 1998: 17: 124a abstract 474 ; . 14. Cheung TW, Remick SC, Azarnia N, et al. AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma: a phase II study of liposomal doxorubicin. The TLC D-99 Study Group. Clin Cancer Res 1999; 5: 3432-7. Gill PS, Espina BM, Muggia F, et al. Phase I II clinical and pharmacokinetic evaluation of liposomal daunorubicin. J Clin Oncol 1995; 3: 996-1003. Money-Kyrle JF, Bates F, Ready J, et al. Liposomal daunorubicin in advanced Kaposi's sarcoma: a phase II study. Clin Oncol R Coll Radiol ; 1993; 5: 367-71. Uthayakumar S, Bower M, Money-Kyrle J, et al. Randomized cross-over comparison of liposomal daunorubicin versus observation for early Kaposi's sarcoma. AIDS 1996; 10: 5159 and dronabinol.

Doxorubicin order

This example illustrates searching for a broadly defined adverse effect of a specific drug. DATA-STAR DIALOG STN DOXORUBICIN-AE . SAME CARDIOPATHY-AE . DOXORUBICIN --AE DE L ; CARDIOPATHY --AE DE DOXORUBICIN * AE CT L ; CARDIOPATHY * AE CT and eligard. Bers should not be enclosed in parentheses and should appear after any closing punctuation. he reference isting T l attheend of thearticle shouldbe consecutive. Abbreviate journal names in the style used by the National.
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