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The role of caffeine and ryanodine-sensitive intracellular calcium stores ic$ ; in the contractions induced by kc1 801 ; , carbachol, carb, 5x106x ; , and histamine, hist, lxlo-5m ; were studied in strips of tracheal smooth muscle of guinea-pig.
Recombinant Factor VIIa and Congenital Platelet Disorders'' has recently been established forms available from the first author ; . We hope that the data collected will allow assessment of the role of rFVIIa in these platelet disorders, and assist in the design of formal studies to address specific issues associated with the treatment of these patients. Finally, studies to define the mechanism by which rFVIIa affects hemostasis in these patients are also needed
Release, in turn, is speculated to give rise to AP generation 31 ; . The APs are then transmitted to the brain stem, where they are processed and integrated, leading to an increase in minute ventilation VE ; 10 ; . generally believed that the glomus cell secretion drives the generation of the neuronal APs. Although this is speculated to take the form of an episodic synaptic depolarizing potential SDP ; e.g., neuromuscular junction ; 31 ; , recent results from our laboratory suggested that voltage changes in the nerve terminals are of small amplitude, high frequency, and not high amplitude, low frequency. This characteristic is inconsistent with SDPs but consistent with channel flicker or noise generated from channel transitions 19 ; . Since the spike generation process is highly sensitive to changes in extracellular Na 19 ; and relatively insensitive to K channel blocking agents 16, 18, 39 ; , we speculated that the channel noise leading to AP generation is due to Na channels. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrated that rat petrosal chemosensory neurons express primarily tetrodotoxinsensitive TTX-S ; currents of, at least, two isoforms based on the kinetics of recovery from inactivation 12 ; . The rat nerve cells are of small diameter and have a conduction velocity under 1 m s This is in contrast to cat chemosensory neurons, which express both TTX-S and TTX-resistant currents 2 ; and have a higher conduction velocity, characteristic of A neurons. Several TTX-S isoforms carry a persistent inward current around resting potential, which plays an important role in determining cellular excitability. This current is postulated to be due to transitions from the inactive to open states of the Na channel 58 ; and may be reduced with drugs, which stabilize the inactive state. One drug, riluzole, has been widely used to inhibit this persistent Na current INaP ; and was useful in demonstrating an important role of INaP in the neurogenesis of gasping 15, 47, 49 ; and neuron bursting behavior in the hippocampus 29 ; , suprachiasmatic nucleus 37 ; , and hypothalamus 33 ; . Previously, we demonstrated that riluzole decreases spiking activity in isolated chemoreceptors and reduces the ventilatory response to acute hypoxia but not to acute hypercapnia 25 ; . Riluzole is clinically used to treat spasticity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients 40, 41 ; , which is a relatively small patient potential. This led us to ask whether other widely used clinically therapeutic agents that stabilize the inactive state of the Na channel would also impair the functioning of peripheral chemoreceptors. In this study, we address the possible actions of therapeutic doses of the antiarrhythmic amiodarone.
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To be terminated and it would be concluded that the new regimen was not worth further investigation. Results Patient characteristics Demographic and exposure characteristics for 35 patients are outlined in Table 1. Age, sex, tobacco, and asbestos exposure were consistent with earlier CALGB cohorts of patients. The performance status PS ; of this group of patients was worse than earlier CALGB cohorts with 10 patients 29% ; being PS 2 [9]. Time from symptoms to diagnosis was generally less than six months, comparable to other studies. Over 50% of patients had nodal involvement or local extension into liver or bone at the time of study entry. The median time from diagnosis to on study was 1.1 months range 0.03-61.0 ; . Response, failure-free survival, sites of failure and survival The median number of cycles was three range 1-18 ; , with 24 69% ; patients receiving four or fewer cycles. A total of 137 cycles were administered to the 35 patients. Thirty of the thirty-five patients were evaluable for disease response. The five patients who were not evaluable for response included one patient who died on day 18 of pneumonia without ever having experienced leukopenia, three patients who experienced rapid declines in performance status after one dose and who did not undergo repeat imaging before going off study, and one patient who left the country to pursue alternative therapy. There were no complete responses. Three patients had regression of evaluable disease 9%; 95% confidence interval 95% CI ; : 2%-23% ; , and 19 patients had stable disease 54% ; . The durations of partial response regression were 4, 6 and 7 + months. The 7 + month regressor developed grade 3 motor and sensory neuropathy and after 10 cycles, stopped paclitaxel. He then received radiation therapy to the known disease before progressing at 14.
Collecting ducts. The PDE5 activity in isolated glomeruli was not significantly altered, although total cGMP esterase activity was increased 31% p 0.03, not shown ; . Plasma BNP, cGMP, and pcGMP BNP ratios. Figures 5A to 5C display results for plasma BNP and cGMP levels and their ratio in both normal and HF dogs. In normal dogs, BNP infusion raised plasma BNP nearly 4-fold over baseline, and increased plasma cGMP by 36.2 12.7 pmol ml p 0.05 ; . Sildenafil plus BNP did not alter the pcGMP BNP over baseline or BNP alone, indicating proportional increases in plasma cGMP in relation to BNP in the non-failing circulation. However, in HF, basal plasma BNP was markedly elevated whereas plasma cGMP was only modestly increased.
Of Nephmic y. Little Brown and CO. Boston. 1985, p, 115. 9. KaptanNM; Systemichyl rle ion: theraW in Braunwald E ed ; Heart Disease. WE Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1984, p. 915. Coctuoft DW, Gault MA: Predl an of creadnlne cleatante f sen, wn cteadnine. Nephmn. 16, 31, 1976. Hostetter TH, P, nnke FIG, Bnner BM: The case for a lntrarenal hypertensionin the Inldadonand progressof diebedend other 01omerulopaff es. J bled 72: 375, 1 Zatz R, Dunn R, Meyer TW, et lal: Preventionof diabed 9lomerulw apiltaty hypertensiap CUninvest, 77: 1925, l986. HostetlmTH: Diabetk: Nephrol l hy. NewEnglJMed312 10 ; : 642, t985. Zucd-teli P, ZuccaJaP, Sturani A: GIomerulatdyslun on in diabe - nephropariy. PosRrlKI MealJ 64 suppl ; : 22, 1988. Viberd G, Macldnlosh 0, Keen H: Determinantsof penetraSanof proteins through e glomenJlatbarrier in insulin depended diabetes mellllus. Diabetes, 32 suppl. 2 ; : 92, 10a3. Freidm SD, Jones HW, Golb lz H, et al: Mechanisms of pretinuria in diabetic nephrcN ; a y II; a study of the size sek ; d giorn ular filtration barrier. Diabetes, 32 suppl, 2 ; : 40, 1983. Brenne 8M, Hume HD: MechamJsms f glomeruiarultrao 51b'stion. ew En01 J Meal 29? 3 ; : 148. 1977. N Marre M, Leblan H, Suamz L, et al: Convertingenzyme inhibitionand kidney luncSan i rK, 'mo|ansive diabetic patients wi pe sis oo m croaJbuminuria. 'it Med J 294: 1448. 1987. Bohre MD, Dean WM, Robertso CR, et aJ: Mechanisms of angioteesin induoKIp'Oleinudain the raLAm J Physiol II 233".1: 13, 1977. My s BD, DeenWM, BrannerBM: Effeeteof n eplnephfine and anglotansin II on the detemdnanteof 0kimerular ul aflltra ol and proximal tubule fluidmabsoq ; b rie rat. Cite Res, 37: 101, 1975. Erring LD, Wet2ets Jl : , de Nobel E, e aJ: Csptolxll reduces slbuminuria probably throu0h Iowefln9 of inVaglomenJlarpressure: acute effe In padenB wlri dlabedcnephropathy.Post0rad Med J, 64 suppl. 3 ; : 34. 1988. Bjork S, Delin K, i.4erlilzH, et sd: Renin secrellon in advanced diabed nephmpariy. Stand d Urol Nepteof, suppl ; 70: 53, 1984. De Cha l R, W'clrnanP, Flammer J, et el: Sodium, renln, aJdosterone, atech aminac and blood IxelmJre In dia betel r JRus. KJdtley int, 12: . 412, lg77. Anderson $, Rennke HD, Brenner BM: Therapeud advantaoe of COnvertingenzyme inhib] in anlmling progres ve renal dlseMe a x Ued wiri eyslam bype, 'lan on in rite raL J Clin Invest. 77: 1092, 1 . I-k tetler TH. Mares LF: Hem xlynarnics of the mmnont neplvon: resp ' e to acute arterial hype an. on.Gin Res, 32: 450a abstr ; 1982. Moore TJ, Crantz FR, HollenbergNK, et al: Conldbulion onotcalm in essential hypertension.Hypertension, 3: 168. 1901. Abe K, I T, Sat M, m Role of pmsteglarKIInm in the andhyp -ter dve med anismsof captopdi In low renln hyperte i xl. Clin Sol 59 6 ; : 141 abeb' ; , 1060. Zusman RM, Ranin and non-mnin andttypetlen ve eodons of convertingenzyme inhibitors. Kidney Jnt25: 969. Z., '. R, Meye TW, Rannke FIG, Bre r BM: predemk nan : e of hemodynamicrarief rian melabcd factors In el "K esisofdiabedcgiornerulopattt , ProNaflAcad Sd USA. 82: 5 3 absu ; . Eto M, W&tenabe K. Otaka Y, et ai: Effectsof captopdl on biood pressure, metabolic conlml, plesma liplds and I Otelnudain elderlyhypert r ve dlabe . Cu e Ther Pet. 43 3 ; : 427. I B and rimantadine.
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Michael S. Eldred Sandia National Laboratories Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation Dept. mseldre MS23 Generation of Optimal Artificial Neural Networks Using a Pattern Search Algorithm: Application to Approximation of Chemical Systems A pattern search optimization method is applied to the generation of optimal artificial neural networks ANNs ; . Optimization is performed using a mixed variable extension to the generalized pattern search method. When used with a surrogate, the resulting algorithm is highly efficient for expensive objective functions. Results of this approach applied to a chemistry approximation problem demonstrate the effectiveness of this method. Alison Marsden Stanford University Mechanical Engineering Dept. amarsden stanford Matthias Ihme Stanford University Mechanical Engineering mihme stanford Heinz Pitsch CITS Stanford University H.Pitsch stanford MS23 Derivative-Free Trust-Region Methods Using Radial Basis Functions We implement a derivative-free trust-region optimization method using different types of radial basis function RBF ; models. We compare the performance of these TrustRegion RBF algorithms to alternative local optimization methods, including Newuoa, Pattern Search, and a QuasiNewton method, on a variety of test problems. We also compare these algorithms on two environmental applications, namely, groundwater bioremediation and the calibration of a watershed model. The results indicate that the Trust-Region RBF approach is very promising in derivative-free optimization. Finally, we will explore some parallelization strategies for Trust Region RBF algorithms. Rommel G. Regis Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University rgr6 cornell Stefan M. Wild Cornell University School of Operations Research & IE smw58 cornell Christine Shoemaker Cornell University cas12 cornell MS24 Computational Science PhD at San Diego State.
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DETAILED PHARMACOLOGY Neuroprotective Effects Riluzole is a neuroprotective agent on central neurons, blocking the excitotoxicity of glutamic acid on cultured rat motoneurons 0.1 M ; , and cell death induced by anoxia on cultured rat cerebellar neurons EC50 ~ 30 M ; cultured rat cortical neurons, riluzole also blocks the excitotoxicity of the toxic factor present in the cerebrospinal fluid of ALS patients 0.5 M ; . In vitro, riluzole protects hippocampal slices against necrosis induced by incubation with Nmethyl-D-aspartic acid NMDA ; and veratridine 60 and 90 % protection respectively at 100 M ; . In vivo, riluzole 8 mg kg i.p. or 4 mg kg i.v. ; decreases the volume of ischemic necrotic lesions following median cerebral artery cauterisation in the rat and at 4 mg kg i.p. ; following bilateral carotid artery occlusion in the gerbil. In this latter model, functional recovery could also be demonstrated using electroencephalographic techniques. The release of glutamic acid provoked by cerebral ischemia is blocked by riluzole 8 mg kg i.v. ; . In a model of direct excitotoxicity, riluzole 4 and 8 mg kg p.o. ; could decrease lesion size following injection of the excitatory amino acid quinolinic acid into the striatum. In the Mnd strain of mice, which develop a progressive motoneuron atrophy of unknown etiology, whose symptoms bear certain similarities to those seen in ALS, riluzole modified in part the evolution of the pathology. Given orally at a dose of 8 mg kg five days a week for 15 weeks, riluzole significantly improved mobility in the terminal phase of the neuro-degenerative process. Upon sacrifice, a significant sparing of motoneurons in the lumbar part of the spinal cord was observed; motoneurons in other regions did not seem to be spared. Other Effects on the Central Nervous System Riluzole displays potent anticonvulsant properties against a wide range of convulsant agents, following both intraperitoneal and oral administration. It is active against convulsions evoked by excitatory amino acids and by maximal electroshock. The anticonvulsant activity is of rapid onset, and long-lasting 6 hours ; in both mice and rats. Riluzole is also a potent anticonvulsant agent in animals genetically prone to seizures. In the DBA 2 strain of mice, in which seizures can be elicited by auditory stimuli, riluzole protected against the appearance of clonic and tonic seizures in response to a bell with ED50 values of 2.5 and 1.2 mg kg i.p., respectively. In baboons with photosensitive epilepsy, riluzole also blocked myoclonus in response to stroboscopic stimulation 4 and 8 mg kg i.v.
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Organization indicating that the three genes probably derive from a common ancestral gene. However, TREK2 is more related to TREK1 than to TRAAK. TREK2 and TREK1 have unique functional and pharmacological properties which are not shared by TRAAK: they are negatively regulated by agents that activate PKA, they are positively regulated by acidification of internal medium and they are strongly activated by volatile general anesthetics. Like TREK1, TREK2 is also transiently activated by riluzole while TRAAK is permanently activated. For TREK1, the inhibition that follows activation by riluzole has been related to an increase of intracellular cAMP and a consequent inhibitory PKA-phosphorylation of the channel 30 ; . In molecular terms, TREK2 is also more related to TREK1, not only if one considers the overall sequence homology but also the distribution of this homology along the sequences. TRAAK, TREK1 and TREK2 have a conserved domain that extends from M1 to M4. Between TREK1 and TREK2, the homology level remains high after M4 and continues over 50 residues. This post-M4 carboxy terminal part is crucial for TREK1 channel sensitivity to fatty acids and stretch but also to PKA and pHi 17, 16, 19 ; . The high level of conservation in this domain.
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Research Capability Strengthening for the Future RCS-F ; 27. The ERC envisions a much stronger, larger and more varied role for TDR in this area than it currently undertakes. A stronger, more systematic emphasis should be placed on capacity strengthening of institutions and their networking. TDR should also go well beyond building technical capacity alone and include broader aspects of research such as skills in clinical trials, research leadership and management, ethics of international collaborative research, negotiation, partnership building, and planning and organizational skills. 28. In the main report the ERC has begun the process of developing this renewed RCS vision by looking at the new potential landscape of RCS: new concepts, new directions, new potential foci, new use of tools, re-invigorated processes, new potential roles to meet new and growing expectations, and new opportunities. TDR will not, of course, be able to do everything, but it now has a much wider spectrum of choices based on needs, demands and opportunities. 29. TDR also now has a wider choice of centres of excellence to collaborate with in RCS. Many of those in countries such as India and China are more cost-effective than those in the North. The ERC recommends that TDR should develop RCS programs increasingly through systematic, negotiated, even contracted, long term partnerships and strategic alliances and through co-branding of exchanges and fellowships with other institutions from the North and, increasingly, the South. 30. A new, expanded RCS should rapidly emerge within the context of E-IR to organically and powerfully link these two foundational functions in the new TDR. TDR could also play a bigger role in research capacity building linked to human resources development for health15 31. TDR should also increasingly move, with partners, towards systemic approaches to research capability strengthening at national level, starting with assessments of national health research systems, to help developing countries build up and strengthen their scientific and technological innovation systems and policies according to their needs and circumstances. TDR should address the current sub-optimal coordination of RCS between
Several large-scale, multi-centered trials have demonstrated that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A HMGCoA ; reductase inhibitors, or "statins" as they are often called, are effective in lowering total cholesterol and LDLcholesterol levels by up to 25% and 35%, respectively, and in raising HDL-cholesterol levels by 5% to 10% 1, 2 ; . Statins also reduce cardiovascular and overall mortality by up to 42% and 30%, respectively, in patients with significant risk factors for ischemic heart disease, including a previous diagnosis of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction with See pages 1286 and 1294 hypercholesterolemia 1 ; . These beneficial effects extend to patients with hypercholesterolemia but who have no history of coronary artery disease 2 ; . In this setting, a lowering of total cholesterol by 20% and LDL-cholesterol by 26% resulted in a relative risk reduction of coronary events by 31%, a reduction in cardiovascular deaths by 32% and a 22% reduction in deaths from all causes over a follow-up period of almost five years 2 ; . The effects of "statins" extend to patients with normal average cholesterol. It is clear that statins also have favorable clinical effects in patients with normal or average cholesterol. The Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease LIPID ; study demonstrated a striking reduction in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality with pravastatin in patients with an acute coronary syndrome, either myocardial infarction or unstable angina, regardless of pre-existing cholesterol levels 3 ; . The reduction in cardiovascular events was greatest in patients whose baseline cholesterol levels were elevated, however, all patients irrespective of the initial total cholesterol level benefited from pravastatin 3 ; . Similarly, in the Cholesterol and Recurrent Events CARE ; study of patients with normal to average serum cholesterol levels and a history of myocardial infarc * Editorials published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACC or the American College of Cardiology. From the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. This study was supported by grants from the Health Research Board of Ireland and the Irish Heart Foundation. Manuscript received December 15, 1998; accepted January 5, 1999 and robaxin.
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In both siblings, mental status test scores were within normal limits early in their course, and visuospatial visuoconstructive skills were spared until late in the course. The proband performed poorly on the WCST early in her course, yet performance on several tests of attention executive functioning has been minimally impaired or normal in the sister. Retention of memory for ; verbal information functioning and particularly confrontation naming were impaired in both siblings and robitussin.
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T-AM-PoI31 INTRACELLULAR POTASSIUM AND CHLORIDE ACTTVITIES IN RABBIT ATRIO-VENTRICULAR NODE. Clive Marc Baumgarten, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA 23298. Membrane potential F ; in the atrio-ventricular node AVN ; is significantly more positive than in adjacent myocarditum aWad is only modestly affected by varying the superfusate potassium concentration between 2 and 20 mM. It has been suggested that the membrane is highly permeable to both potassium and chloride and that E lies between E and Er , the equilibrium potentiall for these io?s. However, E and E are unTnown. The intrcel1ulu activities of potassium a ; and chloride a ; were determined wiR ion-selective microelectrodes fabricated from Corning 4773f7 K-ISE ; and 479513 C1-ISE ; . N region of rabbit AVN was first delineated with 3 M KCl-filled microelectrodes using anatomical landmarks, action potential configuration a.d conduction time from the right atrium After mapping, multiple impalements were made with K-TSE and CI-ISE in cells exhibiting similar iconduction times. Cdlculations were bdasd on the averdge potentials obtained at the end of diastole. E was -61 4 mV in 5 n-fl potassium media. K-ISE potentials became 9 to 14 more positive on ilpaleinpnt indicatiry Ltiat t was far positive to EK. a was 101 8 mM, dnd t was -87 z 3 nV; these values are similar tc in other cardiac tissu s. uL-ISE potentials 6ecame 18 to 30 more negative on impalement. aic was 28 3 mM, and E was -38 4 mV. Negligible Cl-TSE inter and rocephin.
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