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Australia is unknown. The NSW Pregnancy and Newborn Services Network suggests that there has been a widespread increase in the number of opioid-dependent pregnant women, often involving polydrug use, presenting to maternity hospitals in New South Wales. Newborn infants of opioid-dependent women are at risk of adverse effects from these drugs or "withdrawal" from intra-uterine exposure. This condition is called Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NAS ; , which usually begins within 72 hours, but may appear two weeks after birth. It is characterised by signs and symptoms of central nervous system hyperirritability, gastrointestinal dysfunction and respiratory distress, and by vague autonomic symptoms that include yawning, sneezing, mottling and fever2. The NSW Health Department recognises that there are many drugs of addiction that may also need to be considered in the overall management of opioid-dependent pregnant women. Other drugs may include cocaine, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, alcohol and tobacco. Specific information on the management of other drug issues can be accessed through the Area Health Service Drug and Alcohol Units, specialist pregnancy drug and alcohol services, the Statewide Specialist Drug and Alcohol Advisory Service SAS ; see Section 9 ; , NSW Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Nursing Practice in NSW: Framework for Progress 2000-2003 and Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Nursing Practice in NSW: Clinical Guidelines 2000 ; . NSW Health recognises that people with opioid dependence usually have simultaneous psychological, social and health problems that can be exacerbated in times of increased stress such as pregnancy. Many women are more motivated during pregnancy to make important health and lifestyle changes. This is an ideal time to engage, or more fully engage, a woman in care for her drug and other problems. A range of services is required to work collaboratively in order to ensure optimal outcomes for both the mother and newborn. The aim is to minimise the likelihood of complications and to provide comprehensive antenatal and postnatal care in a non-judgemental, non-threatening environment. Additionally, every Health worker has a responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare of newborns that may be at risk of harm. Major policy changes have occurred in the area of child protection through the enactment of the Children and Young Persons Care and Protection ; Act 1998 NSW ; . The Act emphasises the importance of reporting children who may be "at risk of harm" to the NSW Department of Community Services DoCS ; , in circumstances where current concerns exist for their safety, welfare or wellbeing. Under Section 25 of the Act, a person who has reasonable grounds to suspect before the birth of an infant that it may be "at risk of harm" after birth, may make a prenatal report to DoCS. The purpose of this report is to secure supportive intervention for the pregnant woman. A report must also be made by the Health worker if the other children of the pregnant mother are at risk Section 27 ; . It may be important to inform families that they may also make a request to DoCS for assistance Sections 20-22 ; . Health workers should refer to the NSW Health Frontline Procedures for the Protecting of Children and Young People 2000 ; . This document outlines the relevant Guidelines including the documentation of situations where consideration may be required for a prenatal report to DoCS.

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FREDERICK STERN, IIHR - Hydroscience and Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1585, USA -- A sharp interface Cartesian grid method for the large-eddy simulation of two-phase flows interacting with surface-piercing moving bodies is presented. The method is based on a sharp interface immersed boundary formulation for fluid flows with moving boundaries and a level set based ghost fluid method for two-phase interface treatment. A four-step fractional step method is adopted and a Lagrangian dynamic Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model is used for large-eddy simulations. The combination of immersed boundary method for solid fluid boundaries and ghost-fluid method for fluid fluid interfaces is discussed in detail. A variety of test cases with different scales ranging from bubble dynamics to ship hydrodynamics are performed for verification and validation purpose. Several examples of interest such as water exit and entry of a circular cylinder, landslide generated waves, and ship waves are demonstrated to showcase the accuracy and efficiency of our method. Approaches for extending it to high Reynolds number ship flows by means of wall-layer modeling are also discussed.
231. ABRI RADIX.--INDIAN LICORICE. The root of A'brus precato'rius Linn, indigenous to India, naturalized in most tropical countries. Reddish-brown, twisted pieces, having a thin bark, and a meditullium composed of alternating zones of porous wood-bundles and parenchyma, traversed by medullary rays. Inodorous; taste bitter, afterward sweetish. It is thought to contain glycyrrhizin, and is used as a demulcent like glycyrrhiza. 232. ABRI SEMEN.--PRAYER, BEADS. JEQUIRITY. The seeds of A'brus precato'rius Linn. Subglobular, about 5 to 8 mm. 1 5 to in. ; long, scarletred, glossy, with a black spot at the hilum; inodorous; taste bean-like. They contain two proteids, paraglobulin, and albumose, which are irritating to the eyes. A weak infusion of the seed is used in granular ophthalmia. 233. BAPTISIA, N. F.--WILD INDIGO. The root of Bapti'sia tincto'ria R. Brown. Habitat: United States. It contains baptisine acrid, poisonous ; , baptisin a bitter glucoside ; , and baptin a purgative glucoside ; . Chiefly used for its antiseptic properties, in lotion and ointment, although it acts also as an emetic and cathartic. Dose: 5 to 15 gr. 0.3 to 1 Gm. ; . 234. ERYTHROPHLOEUM.--SASSY BARK. A poisonous bark from Erythrophloe'um guineens'e Don, used as an ordeal in Africa, where the tree grows, and therefore sometimes called doom-bark. It is in thick, warty, curved pieces, reddish-brown, fissured. Inodorous; taste astringent and bitter. It contains an alkaloid, erythrophleine, which gives it an action on the heart similar to digitalis; also astringent, emetic, diaphoretic, and analgesic. Dose: 5 to 15 gr. 0.3 to 1 Gm. ; . Preparation of Erythrophleine.--Treat concentrated aqueous solution- of the alcoholic extract of the bark with ammonia and exhaust the mixture with acetic ether. The alkaloid is yielded on evaporation. 235. CERCIS CANADENSIS Linn.--REDBUD. The bark of this indigenous tree has been recommended as a mild, non-irritating, but active astringent in diarrhea and dysentery. Also used as a local application to mucous membranes. Dose of fluidextract: 15 to 60 drops 1 to 4 mils ; . 236. SARACA INDICA Linn.--ASOCA. Bark. ; Much employed by the Hindoo physicians as a sedative in the treatment of uterine affections; it is also astringent. Dose of fluidextract: 15 to 60 drops 1 to 4 mils.

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Coumadin ; , which takes approximately 5 days to achieve its full anticoagulant effect. A prothrombin time PT ; with international normalized ratio INR ; is drawn and the patient started at 5 mg day, with the dose adjusted according to the patient's INR. The target is an INR between 2 and 3. Most patients require a maintenance dose of 2 to 7.5 mg day. The PT should be checked at regular intervals to make sure the INR remains within the appropriate range. If the patient is hospitalized, these levels are usually monitored daily. Once the patient is discharged, levels should be checked every week and the dosage adjusted accordingly until the APN has established the patient's individual response and optimal dose. Once a constant appropriate INR range has been established, PTs should be monitored monthly. The APN should try to maintain patients in chronic atrial fibrillation who are difficult to convert with a controlled ventricular rate and keep them on anticoagulant therapy indefinitely. Premature Atrial Contractions Treatment of PACs is not indicated unless there are underlying causes that can be corrected. Simple measures such as stopping smoking, reducing caffeine intake, and improving electrolyte imbalance may reduce the incidence of PACs. If symptoms persist, Holter monitoring may be indicated and the patient should be instructed to maintain a diary of activities. The patient should be monitored for the first 3 months to establish whether this is an acute or chronic condition. A cardiologist would follow the patient. Supraventricular Tachycardia The initial treatment for stable SVT consists of vagal maneuvers, such as carotid sinus pressure. Vagal maneuvers increase parasympathetic tone and slow the conduction through the AV node. These techniques include coughing, lying on the floor while elevating legs against the wall, or squatting. If the APN has the experience and knowledge of carotid sinus massage, this maneuver is usually effective. The vagal maneuver of carotid sinus massage is contraindicated in patients with carotid artery stenosis, bruits, or a history of transient ischemic attacks, or in patients over age 65 years who may have an exacerbated parasympathetic response to carotid pressure. Facial immersion in cold water dive reflex ; is another method used. The APN must never use eyeball pressure as a vagal maneuver because it may cause retinal detachment and is unpleasant for the patient. In the case of PSVT, adenosine Adenocard ; is the treatment of choice; 6 mg in a peripheral IV is given rapidly. If treatment is unsuccessful, the dosage is.
Sion, enzyme activities, and anthocyanin metabolites of the biosynthetic pathways in V vinifera cell culture were characterized. One example was the functional analysis of V vinifera cell cultures that were elicited with jasmonic acid, light, and sucrose alone and in combination [3, 4]. All these single conditions enhanced anthocyanin production and exhibited a synergistic improvement when combined [3, 4]. Early transcriptional studies were done by Northern blotting, and later quantitative RT-PCR, with a sample of results shown in Figure 5. Results indicated a strong correlation between transcriptional expression and improved anthocyanin biosynthesis and a role of jasmonic acid in upregulating DFR [4]. Metabolic profiling was also carried out substantively for these conditions. Results implicated the competition between anthocyanin and stilbene pathways, and the importance of methylated and acylated anthocyanin species in enhanced production [5]. Full characterization is in progress following the completion of the methodology development. Characterization of anthocyanin post-biosynthetic events Anthocyanins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported into the vacuole where they bind with a protein matrix and form anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions AVIs ; Figure 6a ; [6]. AVIs were considered to be the storage sites of anthocyanins. In recognition that the post-biosynthetic steps may play equally crucial roles in its yield improvement, we have been investigating the characteristics and roles of glutathione S-transferases GSTs ; and AVIs in anthocyanin transport and storage, respectively, in grape cells. We have isolated the AVIs and are.

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Dying 7B2 nulls are in severe lactic acidosis, with levels of plasma lactate in dying 7B2 null mice about 6-fold higher than levels measured in 7B2 WT mice. Excessive concentrations of circulating lactate can produce severe tissue oxygen deprivation, tissue hypoxia, weakness, stupor, fatigue, and circulatory failure with coma 20, 21 ; . Chronic lactic acidosis might be a factor in the process of organ necrosis confirmed in our histopathologic observations ; , particularly in the liver. Blood lactate reflects both the production and metabolism of lactate. Normally, the liver is able to remove more lactate than is produced by the body, but the liver in 7B2 nulls is apparently not able to metabolize lactate. This observation supports our conclusion that the liver in 7B2 nulls is highly dysfunctional. Lactic acidosis is a highly critical condition, and, with hypoglycemia, potentially also represents a major cause of immediate death in 7B2 nulls. In conclusion, 7B2 null mice exhibit a unique form of Cushing's disease with many atypical symptoms, such as hypoglycemia. Cushing's and non-Cushing's symptoms in the 7B2 null join with other metabolic abnormalities to generate a multisystem disorder. The severe hypoglycemia caused by the lack of glucagon, increased proinsulin forms, and chronically elevated corticosterone, coupled with alterations in blood coagulation, all combine to result in multiple organ pathologies including liver failure and precipitate further abnormalities in blood coagulation and blood chemistry, such as lactic acidosis. A hypoglycemic crisis coupled with respiratory distress and intensive internal thrombosis then results in abrupt death. Buy nitazoxanide online with our service is an alternative to state prescription programs and norco.
Ln3 + is nearly linear. However, in the case of the third segments of An3 + well established tetrad effect and a strong deviation from linearity of this function is observed. This is related to the larger expansion and diffusion of 5f orbitals in comparison with 4f, which causes a stronger participation of 5f orbitals in metal-ligand bonding. Similar effect should take place in the fourth segments of Ln3 + Er3 + -Lu3 + ; and An3 + Fm3 + -Lr3 + ; . In the case of Ln3 + , a small deviation from linearity is observed, while for Fm3 + -Lr3 + a strong tetrad effect is expected. As mentioned earlier, crystallographic radii of these cations are not available, therefore, the shape of dependence of log Kd or log on ri may be only anticipated. It becomes apparent that the ionic radii of the heaviest An3 + cannot be determined using -hydroxyisobutyrate cation exchanger experiment, as there is no way of unfolding the tetrad effect from the elution position data. This is the source of the differences between the.

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First Published Online September 13, 2005 Abbreviations: BPD, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia; ELBW, extremely low birth weight; HC, hydrocortisone. JCEM is published monthly by The Endocrine Society : endo-society ; , the foremost professional society serving the endocrine community and norpramin.
2000. Efficacy of nitazoxanide, tizoxanide and tizoxanide glucuronide against Cryptosporidium parvum development in sporozoite-infected HCT-8 enterocytic cells. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 46: 5760. Guerrant, R. L. 1997. Cryptosporidiosis: an emerging, highly infectious threat. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 3: 5157. Hunter, P. R., S. Hughes, S. Woodhouse, N. Raj, Q. Syed, R. M. Chalmers, N. Q. Verlander, and J. Goodacre. 2004. Health sequelae of human cryptosporidiosis in immunocompetent patients. Clin. Infect. Dis. 39: 504510. Li, X., P. Brasseur, P. Agnamey, D. Lemeteil, L. Favennec, J. J. Ballet, and J. F. Rossignol. 2003. Long-lasting anticryptosporidial activity of nitazoxanide in an immunosuppressed rat model. Folia Parasitol. Praha ; 5: 1922. Maillot, C., G. Gargala, A. Delaunay, P. Ducrott, P. Brasseur, J. J. Ballet, and L. Favennec. 2000. Cryptosporidium parvum infection stimulates the secretion of TGF-beta, IL-8 and RANTES by Caco-2 cell line. Parasitol. Res. 86: 947949. McKendrick, M. W., and N. W. Read. 1994. Irritable bowel syndrome-post salmonella infection. J. Infect. 29: 13. McLean, P. G., C. Picard, R. Garcia-Villar, J. More, J. Fioramonti, and L. Bueno. 1997. Effects of nematode infection on sensitivity to intestinal distension: role of tachykinin NK2 receptors. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 337: 279282. Neal, K. R., L. Barker, and R. C. Spiller. 2002. Prognosis in post-infective irritable bowel syndrome: a six year follow up study. Gut 51: 410413. Rehg, J. E. 1995. The activity of halofuginone in immunosuppressed rats infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 35: 391 397. Rose, J. B., D. E. Huffman, and A. Gennaccaro. 2002. Risk and control of waterborne cryptosporidiosis. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26: 113123. Spiller, R. C., D. Jenkins, J. P. Thornley, J. M. Hebden, T. Wright, M. Skinner, and K. R. Neal. 2000. Increased rectal mucosal enteroendocrine cells, T lymphocytes, and increased gut permeability following acute Campylobacter enteritis and in post-dysenteric irritable bowel syndrome. Gut 47: 804811. Theodos, C. M., J. K. Griffiths, J. D'Onfro, A. Fairfield, and S. Tzipori. 1998. Efficacy of nitazoxanide against Cryptosporidium parvum in cell culture and in animal models. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 42: 19591965. Thompson, W. G., G. F. Longstreth, D. A. Drossman, K. W. Heaton, E. J. Irvine, and S. A. Muller-Lissner. 1999. Functional bowel disorders and functional abdominal pain. Gut 45: 11431147. Topouchian, A., N. Kapel, J. F. Huneau, L. Barbot, D. Magne, D. Tome, and J. G. Gobert. 2001. Impairment of amino-acid absorption in suckling rats infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Parasitol. Res. 87: 891896. Topouchian, A., J. F. Huneau, L. Barbot, S. Rome, J. G. Gobert, D. Tome, and N. Kapel. 2003. Evidence for the absence of an intestinal adaptive mechanism to compensate for C. parvum-induced amino acid malabsorption in suckling rats. Parasitol. Res. 91: 197203. Topouchian, A., N. Kapel, C. Larue-Achagiotis, L. Barbot, D. Tome, J. G. Gobert, and J. F. Huneau. 2005. Cryptosporidium infection impairs growth and muscular protein synthesis in suckling rats. Parasitol. Res. 96: 326330. Tzipori, S., and H. Ward. 2002. Cryptosporidiosis: biology, pathogenesis and disease. Microbes Infect. 4: 10471058. Whitehead, W. E., B. Holtkotter, P. Enck, R. Hoelzl, K. D. Holmes, J. Anthony, H. S. Shabsin, and M. Schuster. 1990. Tolerance for rectosigmoid distention in irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology 98: 11871192. Woodsworth, R. S., and C. S. Sherrington. 1904. A pseudoaffective reflex and its spinal path. J. Physiol. London ; 31: 234243.

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Herpes simplex infections. N. Eng. J. Med. 1982, 306, 13131319. Spruance SL, Schnipper LE, Overall JC, Kern ER, Wester B, Modlin J, Wenerstrom G, Burton C, Arndt KA, Chiu GL, Crumpacker CS. Treatment of herpes simplex labialis with topical aciclovir in polyethylene glycol. J. Inf. Dis. 1982, 146, 85-90. Spruance SL, Crumpaker CS, Schnipper LE, Kern ER, Marlowe S, Arndt KA, Overall JC Jr. Early, patientinitiated treatment of herpes labialis with topical 10% aciclovir. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 1984, 25, 553555. Rowe NH, Brooks SL, Young SK, Spencer J, Petrick TJ, Buchanan RA, Drach JC, Shipman C Jr. A clinical trial of topical applied 3 percent vidarabine against recurrent herpes labialis. Oral Surg. 1979, 47, 142-147. Adams H, Benson E, Alexander ER, Vontver LA, Remington MA, Holmes KK. Genital herpetic infection in men and women, clinical and effect of topical application of adenine arabinoside. J. Infect. Dis. 1976, 133, A151-159. Sacks S, Tyrrell L, Lawee D, Schlech W 3d, Gill MJ, Aoki FY, Martel AY, Singer J. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinic-initiated, Canadian multicenter trial of topical edoxudine 3% cream in the treatment of recurrent genital herpes. J. Inf. Dis. 1991, 164, 665-672. Spruance S, Stewart J, Freeman D, Brightman VJ, Cox JL, Wenerstrom G, McKeough MB, Rowe NH. Early application of topical 15% idoxuridine in dimethyl sulfoxide shortens the course of herpes simplex labialis, a multicenter placebo-controlled trial J. Inf. Dis. 1991, 161, 191-197. Balfour HH, Benson C, Braun J, Cassens B, Erice A, Friedman-Kien A, Klein T, Polsky B, Safrin S. Management of aciclovir-resistant herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus infections. J. AIDS 1994, 7, 254-260 and norvir Results at 12 weeks following the end of treatment, naive patients who received a triple regimen that included standard of care and nitazoxanide showed a significantly higher svr hcv rna site ; is a privately-owned biotechnology company committed to the discovery and development of innovative new small molecules for treating infectious diseases, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. In 5-day-old immunocompetent Sprague-Dawley rats infected with either 102 or 105 Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, transient infection resulted 120 days later in increased cardiovascular depressor response to jejunal distension and jejunal myeloperoxidase activity P 0.05 ; . Nitazoxanide treatment normalized jejunal sensitivity P 0.001 ; but not myeloperoxidase levels P 0.05 ; . Data warrant further evaluation of the role of early cryptosporidiosis in the development of chronic inflammatory gut conditions and novantrone. Rh Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn: Using Incidence Observations to Evaluate the Use of Rh Immune Globulin, M. M. Adams, J. S. Marks, et al, 1031-a IMPRISONMENT Bibliography Available on Stress of Concentration Camp Imprisonment, S. Breznitz, 318-ltr INFLUENZA Smoking and Epidemic Influenza-Like Illness In Female Military Recruits: A Brief Survey, J. D. Kark, M. Lebiush, 530-br Underestimation of the Role of Pneumonia and Influenza in Causing Excess Mortality, W. H. Barker, J. P. Mullooly, 643-br INFORMED CONSENT Epidemiologist's Lament, K. J. Rothman, 1309-e Obtaining Hospital and Physician Participation in a Case-Control Study of Colon Cancer, N. Herrmann, J. Amsel, and E. Lynch, 1314-a Patient Attitudes following Participation in a Health Outcome Survey, D. P. Funch, J. R. Marshall, 1396-br INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARDS Epidemiologist's Lament, K. J. Rothman, 1309-e Obtaining Hospital and Physician Participation in a Case-Control Study of Colon Cancer, N. Herrmann, J. Amsel, and E. Lynch, 1314-a Patient Attitudes following Participation in a Health Outcome Survey, D. P. Funch, J. R. Marshall, 13%-br INTERNATIONAL HEALTH Anemia of Pregnancy: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Routine Dietary Supplementation Program in an Israeli Community, A. Palgi, S. Levi, and A. Reshef, 736-br Cancer in the Third World: Bangladesh 1980, H. T. Lynch, M. A. Rahim, 1158-com Dispersed Famine of Today, S. D. Mumford, 648-ltr Author's Response, D. R. Gwatkin, 648-ltr Epidemiology of Adolescent Drug Use In France and Israel, D. B. Kandel, I. Adler, and M. Sudit, 256-a Ethnic Differences in Hemoglobin Distribution of Asian and European Jewish Women in Israel, both Pregnant and Nonpregnant, A. Palgi, 847-br Evaluation of Rural Primary Health Care Services in Iran: Report on Vital Statistics in West Azarbaijan, M. A. Barzegar, A. Djazayery, 739-br Famine Relief and Imperial Policy in Early Modern Morocco: The Political Functions of Public Health, A. R. Meyers, 1266-his Food, Sanitation, and the Socioeconomic Determinants of Child Growth in Colombia, J. S. Koopman, L. Fajardo, and W. Bertrand, 31-a Health for All by the Year 2000, J. -P. Habicht, 459-e Related commentary, J. R. Heiby, 514-com Job Decision Latitude, Job Demands, and Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study of Swedish Men, R. Karasek, D. Baker, et al, 694-a Related editorial, S. V. Kasl, 682-e Low-Cost Health Delivery Systems: Lessons from Nicaragua, J. R. Heiby, 514-com Related editorial, J. -P. Habicht, 461-e Occupational Health in Cuba, M. R. Gomez, 520-com Role of the Skill-Trained Volunteer in International Public Health: Peace Corps' Health Programming and Health Policy in Developing Countries, M. E. King, 408-com Smoking and Epidemic Influenza-Like Illness In Female Military Recruits: A Brief Survey, J. D. Kark, M. Lebiush, 530-br Verbal Judgments of Taiwanese Family Planning Field Workers about Induced Abortion, G. P. Cernada, C. -C. C. 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Toin, which indicates that mutations in other genes are also needed for resistance 19 ; . To better understand the role of redox active enzymes of H. pylori in the activation of MTZ, NTZ, and the nitrofurans, we purified RdxA, FrxA, and pyruvate oxidoreductase POR ; following overexpression in Escherichia coli and examined each enzyme's substrate specificity. We also tested whether these drugs are mutagenic or cause DNA fragmentation. Here we report that RdxA, FrxA, and POR reduce NTZ, while FrxA and to a lesser extent POR but not RdxA ; reduce the nitrofurans, and only RdxA exhibits MTZ reductase activity, as previously established 11 ; . Reductive products of MTZ activation were mutagenic and DNA damaging 29 ; , while reductive products of NTZ and nitrofuran activation caused no DNA damage and only nitrofuran substrates were weakly mutagenic. Our studies show that the selective toxicity of nitazoxanide for H. pylori is due to its efficient activation by POR, an essential key enzyme of central intermediary metabolism and novolog. Therefore, caution should be used when administering nitazoxanide with other highly plasma protein bound drugs with narrow therapeutic index.
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