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Net sales in North America grew 6% in reported dollars 5% net of currency fluctuations ; from 2004 to fiscal 2005 primarily as a result of a strong first half of the fiscal year. Net sales in Europe grew 13% in reported dollars 5% net of currency fluctuations ; from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005 as a result of strong demand from our environmental and food and beverage customers, offset in part by weaker demand from some our larger pharmaceutical company customers in the region in the second half of the fiscal year. Net sales in the Asia Pacific region grew 3% in reported dollars 2% net of currency fluctuations ; as a result of strong sales growth in China, Korea, Australia and India, offset by lower net sales in Japan. In Japan, net sales were higher than usual in fiscal 2004 as a result of incremental non-recurring sales of approximately million resulting from new drinking water analysis regulations enacted in Japan in 2004. In fiscal 2004, sales grew in all three geographies due to new IC products introduced at the end of fiscal 2003. Asia Pacific also benefited from the non-recurring sales in Japan. Sales outside North America accounted for 72% of net sales in fiscal 2005, 71% in fiscal 2004 and 67% in fiscal 2003. The Company sells directly through its sales forces in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, Canada and the United States. Direct sales accounted for 91% of net sales in fiscal 2005, compared with 91% in fiscal 2004, and 92% in fiscal 2003. International distributors and representatives in Europe, Asia and other international markets accounted for the balance of net sales. There were no significant price changes during the three-year period ended June 30, 2005. Net sales of IC products grew 8% from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005, primarily due to continued growth in sales of the Company's existing IC products and the Company's introduction of its ICS-3000 system, offset in part by the incremental nonrecurring sales in Japan in fiscal 2004 discussed above. Net sales of IC products grew 23% from fiscal 2003 to fiscal 2004 due to higher demand for our IC products and non-recurring sales in Japan. Net sales of HPLC products grew 25% from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005 primarily as a result of the Company's expansion of its global HPLC business, offset by weakness in certain sectors of the life sciences market in the second half of the fiscal year. Net sales of HPLC products grew 15%, from fiscal 2003 to fiscal 2004 as a result of strong demand in life sciences market. Net sales of Nano capillary-flow products decreased 21% from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005. The decline was primarily due to the reduced spending by customers. However, the Company observed a positive turnaround in the last few months of fiscal 2005 due to the introduction of its new Ultimate 3000 for nano capillary micro-flow HPLC. The Ultimate 3000 started shipping in early April 2005. The Company believes nano capillary micro-flow HPLC sales will increase in 2006 as a result of the new Ultimate 3000 product, as the new platform will address a broader market in LC-MS than solely proteomics. Net sales of nano capillary-flow products declined by 9% from fiscal 2003 to fiscal 2004 as a result of slower demand from proteomics customers.
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People had a higher risk of death than those with HCV alone. However, a longer follow-up period is needed to truly assess the impact of co-infection and HAART on survival in this group. Many co-infected people are wondering how HAART will affect the liver. A study of 33 co-infected individuals starting their first HAART regimen examined immunologic responses and liver disease progression after 12 months of antiretroviral therapy. Immune response was defined as either an increase of 100 or more CD4 Tcells or a doubled CD4 T-cell count after 12 months of HAART. Liver biopsies were performed on 25 participants at study entry and 12 months after starting antiretroviral treatment. Liver disease progression was defined by an increase of at least two points on the Knodell score and more than one point on the Metavir score over 12 months the Knodell and Metavir systems are used to determine both the amount of disease activity [grade] and the amount of liver damage [stage] ; . Although this study did not find a relationship between immunologic response to HAART and liver disease progression, it did observe a significant relationship between elevated liver enzymes and liver disease progression; 80% of the five individuals with liver enzyme elevations defined as five times above the upper limit of normal ; also had liver disease progression. According to the study investigators, elevations in liver enzymes were caused by alcohol intake in two persons, by hepatitis C in two persons and by antiretrovirals Fortovase, Norvir, Ziagen and Zerit ; in one person. The study concluded with recommendations for frequent monitoring of liver enzymes and reducing or eliminating alcohol intake while on HAART. Longer and larger studies are needed to provide us with more information on the effect of HAART on liver histology. An analysis of the data from 41, 262 HIV-positive male veterans in care found higher rates of diabetes mellitus in those with HIV HCV co-infection than those with HIV alone; 19.7% of coinfected individuals were diagnosed with diabetes, as compared with 14.8% of those with HIV alone. As a comparison, the rate of diabetes in the general population is 6.2%, and the rate of diabetes among all veterans in care is 11.83%. The prevalence of diabetes increased among co-infected individuals over 40 years of age, Black and.
Cadiomyocytes, although the effects of each constituent on the APD and the ionic currents were not exhibited in a uniform direction. Quercetin, a kind of flavonoid, had a smaller or no effect on the action potentials, but caused the APD prolongation only at high concentrations. Also, quercetin inhibited ICa and enhanced IK. Quercetin has been reported to possess many pharmacological effects 29, 30 the modification of eicosanoid synthesis, prevention of platelet aggregation, and vasorelaxation due to the inhibition of PK-C. Modulation of the Ionic Currents Furthermore, these constituents also acted on the Vmax, although they did not affect other action potential parameters. In general, the Vmax is used as an activator of the Na channel current INa ; . Thus, the constituents have an inhibitory action on the INa, resulting in an inhibition of the conduction velocity and a suppression of excitability. In addition, the constituents simultaneously modulated the ionic channel currents such as ICa, IK, IK1 and INa. These effects might cause antiarrhythmic actions. In all the constituents, IK enhancement was finally.
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Nasal obstruction + rhinorrhea, and an irritating cough are noticed first. After one to three days there follows increasing tachypnoea and respiratory distress. The chest is often overexpanded. Auscultatory signs are very variable: fine inspiratory crackles are often heard early, becoming coarser during recovery; expiratory wheeze is often present, initially high-pitched, with prolonged expiration. Respiratory distress may be mild, moderate or severe Fever of 38.5C or greater is seen in about 50 per cent of infants with bronchiolitis Apnoea may be the presenting feature, especially in very young, premature or low-birthweight infants. It often disappears, to be replaced by severe respiratory distress.
Except for Central and Nyanza provinces where the situation is vice versa. At university level, female enrolment is less than 35% of total enrolment. There lacks gender equality in water development decision-making processes. Most water institutions have very low women representation at the planning and decisionmaking levels. In stakeholder associations, the percentage of women is even lower because seldom do women participate in these kinds of organizations. Inclusion of women in government organs that formulates policies and regulations related to the water sector, the environment, agriculture and related areas, is one step that will help in highlighting the specific gender issues, defining the impacts on women and building a support structure that will enable women to participate in and benefit from water for nature initiatives. Whilst the involvement of women in water committees is encouraged in a few policies, the precise role or the qualification of women who should be involved is rarely specified. Gender and Water Alliance 2003 ; . Effective water governance requires changes in attitude and behaviour among individuals, institutions, professionals, decision makers etc. Public or stakeholders participation is an important tool in implementing such changes as it facilitates more informed decisions and eases conflict resolution. Water Voice report 2003 ; It guarantees that voices of relatively powerless groups such as women and indigenous people are heard. Participation offers people the opportunity to meet their responsibilities and claim their rights. Gender considerations are just beginning to infiltrate most of the government institutions and the process is still encountering obstacles Table 4.1 Problem Satisfy the water demand across the competing sectors and mysoline.
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Description of Item Supplying ITEM NO. 9 : &erecting triple pole and neutral distribution board conforming to IS: 13032 and IEC standard of IP 20 ; surface flush mounted made from 18 gauge sheet steel C.R.C.A. with stove enamel paint powder coated suitable for incorporating 4 pole incoming and single pole outgoing MCB of 24 ways with electrolytic copper bus bar of 100 Amp. Per phase erected on angle iron frame complete Horizontal bus bar type ; . ITEM NO. 10 : Supplying, erecting & marking miniature circuit breaker As per IS: 8828 OF 1996 ; following sizes required wiring connections and lugs etc. in provided distribution board and nadolol.
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Fistulo-drainage for intractable external pancreatic fistula. Jpn J Surg 1991; 21: 229-233. Freeny PC, Lewis GP, Traverso LW, Ryan JA. Infected pancreatic fluid collections: percutaneous catheter drainage. Radiology 1988; 167: 435-441. Reichlin S. Somatostatin. I. N EnglJ Med 1983; 309: 1495-1501. Reichlin S. Somatostatin. II. N EnglJ Med 1983; 309: 1556-1563. Bloom SR. PolakJM. Clinical aspects of gut hormones and neuropeptides. Br Med Bull 1982; 38: 233-238. Williams ST, Woltering EA, O'Dorisio TM.
Norfenfluramine exhibited high affinity for 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C receptors and more moderate affinity for 5-HT2A receptors. In cells expressing recombinant 5-HT2B receptors, norfenfluramine potently stimulated the hydrolysis of inositol phosphates, increased intracellular Ca2 , and activated the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade, the latter of which has been linked to mitogenic actions of the 5-HT2B receptor. The level of 5-HT2B and 5-HT2A receptor transcripts in heart valves was at least 300-fold higher than the levels of 5-HT2C receptor transcript, which were barely detectable. We propose that preferential stimulation of valvular 5-HT2B receptors by norfenfluramine, ergot drugs, or 5-HT released from carcinoid tumors with or without accompanying 5-HT2A receptor activation ; may contribute to valvular fibroplasia in humans and nafcillin.
Understands these limits can a mature debate develop on the `how'. It is vital that we adopt a process that is open, equitable and undertaken on the basis of social agreement.
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Hormonal contraception and sexual life Novak A, de la loge C and Abetz L 2004 ; Development and validation of an acceptability and satisfaction questionnaire for a contraceptive vaginal ring, Nuvaringw. Pharmacoeconomics 22, 245256. Oddens BJ 1999 ; Women's satisfaction with birth control: a population survey of physical and psychological effects of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, condoms, natural family planning, and sterilization among 1466 women. Contraception 59, 277286. Roumen FJME and Dieben TOM 1999 ; Clinical acceptability of an ethylene-vinyl-acetate non medicated vaginal ring. Contraception 59, 62. Sanders SA, Graham CA, Bass JL and Bancroft J 2001 ; A prospective study of the effects of oral contraceptives on sexuality and well-being and their relationship to discontinuation. Contraception 64, 5158. Sarrel 1990 ; Sexuality and menopause. Obstet Gynecol 75, 26S30S. Trussell J and Westoff CF 1980 ; Contraceptive practice and trends in coital frequency. Fam Plann Prospect 12, 246249. Tyrer G, Steel JM, Ewing DJ, Bancroft J, Warner P and Clark BF 1983 ; Sexual responsiveness in diabetic women. Diabetologia 24, 166 171. Walton B and Trashawn T 2003 ; Femal sexual dysfunction. Curr Women's Health Reports 3, 319326. Wynn V, Adams PW, Folkard J and Secd M 1975 ; Tryptophan, depression and steroidal contraception. J Steroid Biochem 6, 965970. Submitted on August 6, 2004; accepted on November 25, 2004 and naltrexone.
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Dance 0 to 8 % ; and a second community developed closer to the drainage channel back reef ; with very few corals 1 to 2 % ; and abundant macrophytes, principally Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum spp. 12 to 38% ; . Coralline algae were slightly more abundant in the back reef community 9 to 21% ; than in the seaward community 4 to 17 % ; Yonge Reef, close to 200 coral species have been recorded overall and the percentage substratum cover by corals can be 60% on the upper slopes and on parts of the reef flat. The metabolic experiments were conducted across a single community characterized by dominance of Acropora palifera. Overall, coral cover increased regularly from the algal pavement seaward of the A. palifera zone 3% ; to the A. grandis community lagoonward 43 % ; . Average coral cover in the A. palifera experiment ; zone was 30%. Although no quantitative data are available, the abundance of coralline algae decreased significantly from the outer algal pavement where it is almost 100% ; to the A. grandis community. The tall phaeophytes Turbinaria and Sargassum were conspicuously absent.
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