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After 51, but not after 25 weeks of treatment. The doses at which this occurred were 2, 5, and 12.5 mg kg day. The opacity reversed in the affected dog at 12.5 mg kg day after a 4-week drug-free period. Systemic exposure plasma AUC ; to parent drug at 2 mg kg day was approximately 2.5 times the exposure in humans receiving the maximum recommended daily dose of 25 mg. A no-effect dose was not established. Information for Patients See PATIENT INFORMATION at the end of this labeling for the text of the separate leaflet provided for patients. Patients should be cautioned about the risk of serotonin syndrome with the use of AXERT or other triptans, especially during combined use with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs ; or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SNRIs ; . Laboratory Tests No specific laboratory tests are recommended for monitoring patients. Drug Interactions see also CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Drug Interactions ; Ergot-Containing Drugs These drugs have been reported to cause prolonged vasospastic reactions. Because there is a theoretical basis that these effects may be additive, use of ergotamine-containing or ergot-type medications like dihydroergotamine or methysergide ; and AXERT within 24 hours of each other should be avoided see CONTRAINDICATIONS ; . Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Coadministration of moclobemide resulted in a 27% decrease in almotriptan clearance and an increase in Cmax of approximately 6%. No dose adjustment is necessary. Other 5-HT1B 1D Agonists Concomitant use of other 5-HT1B 1D agonists within 24 hours of treatment with AXERT is contraindicated see CONTRAINDICATIONS ; . Propranolol The pharmacokinetics of almotriptan were not affected by coadministration of propranolol. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Serotonin Norephinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors and Serotonin Syndrome Cases of life-threatening serotonin syndrome have been reported during combined use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs ; or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SNRIs ; and triptans See WARNINGS Serotonin Syndrome ; . Verapamil Coadministration of almotriptan and verapamil resulted in a 24% increase in plasma concentrations of almotriptan. No dose adjustment is necessary. Ketoconazole and Other Potent CYP3A4 Inhibitors Coadministration of almotriptan and the potent CYP3A4 inhibitor ketoconazole 400 mg q.d. for 3 days ; resulted in an approximately 60% increase in the area under the plasma concentration-time curve and maximal plasma concentrations of almotriptan. Although the interaction between almotriptan and other potent CYP3A4 inhibitors e.g. , itraconazole, ritonavir, and erythromycin ; has not been studied, increased exposures to almotriptan may be expected when almotriptan is used concomitantly with these medications. Drug Laboratory Test Interactions AXERT is not known to interfere with commonly employed clinical laboratory tests. Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Carcinogenesis The carcinogenic potential of almotriptan was evaluated by oral gavage for up to 103 weeks in mice at doses up to 250 mg kg day and in rats for up to 104 weeks at doses up to 75 mg kg day. These doses were associated with plasma exposures AUC ; to parent drug that were approximately 40 and 78 times, in mice and rats respectively, the plasma AUC observed in humans receiving the maximum recommended daily dose MRDD ; of 25 mg. Because of high mortality rates in both studies, which reached statistical significance in high dose female mice, all female rats, all male mice, and high dose female mice were terminated between weeks 96 and 98. There was no increase in tumors related to almotriptan administration. 4.

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Optically recorded subthreshold membrane responses. Vm resulting from stimuli delivered above and below diastolic threshold are compared in Fig. 2. In this example, recordings are shown from equally spaced sites a-d in Fig. 2 ; at increasing distances from the stimulus electrode. ST-Vm Fig 2, left ; was characterized by depolarizing and repolarizing phases that exactly followed the timing of the stimulus waveform. Both phases followed exponentials having similar time constants 9.2 0.7 ms for depolarization and 9.7 0.8 ms for repolarization, P 0.18 ; that were not affected by the distance of the cell from the site of stimulation 9.1 0.7 ms for proximal cells and 9.2 0.8 ms for distal cells, P 0.26 ; . In contrast to the time-course of ST-Vm responses, the amplitude of ST-Vm varied considerably in space, decaying with increasing distances from the site of stimulation sites a-d ; . Several clear distinctions between action potentials and ST-Vm are illustrated in Fig. 2. First, because they arise from regenerative active ionic processes, action potentials did not decay in amplitude at sites distal to the electrode. Second, action potential repolarization far outlasted the stimulus pulse, whereas the onset of ST-Vm repolarization coincided exactly with the stimulus pulse due to its passive membrane nature. Third, action potential depolarization, plateau, and repolarization were generated by active ionic currents, giving the action potential its distinctive shape; whereas ST-Vm had a symmetric morphology, typical of the charging and discharging of a resistive-capacitive network, which characterizes passive properties of myocytes. Longer pressure treatments was more gradual, with only 2 log10 reduction after 60s and 2.5 log10 reduction after 120s. Ascospores of N. fischeri showed a slight reduction less than 1 log 10 ; after 15s at 600 MPa Figure 3b ; . Longer treatments up to 120s ; appeared to have no further effect on ascospore viability, with barely 1 log10 reduction after 120s treatment.

6.3.3 Potentiation of 5-MeOT-induced hindlimb scratching Hindlimb scratching increased when the rats were treated with the 5-HT receptor antagonists xylarnidine 0.1 - 1.0 mgkg ; , mesulergine 0.022 - 0.22 mgkg ; , methysergide 0.1 - 1.0 mgkg ; , metergoline 0.1 - 1.0 mglkg ; , mianserin 0.046 - 0.46 mgkg ; or ritanserin 0.1 - 1.0 mgkg ; 30 min before 5-MeOT was injected table 3 ; . This potentiation of hindlimb scratching was statistically significant and dose dependent for all these compounds. The 5-HT re-uptake blockers, fluvoxamine and indalpine, also increased 5-MeOT-induced hindlimb scratching fig. 3. For a complete discussion of the fibrosis, and monitoring, see the section on methysergide in chapter table 1 4: quick reference guide: second line cluster prevention medication: methysergide sansert ; : effective for episodic clusters, but with many side effects. There is a wide diversity across the Asian region which makes the categorisation of an `Asian approach' to abortion impossible. Abortion is legalised in various ways across the region, the most liberal countries being Vietnam and Singapore, and this is reflected in the lower maternal mortality ratio in Vietnam of 105 per 100, 000, in contrast to the regional average of 330 per 100, 000 See figure 4 ; . The law is most restrictive in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma and Laos, and it is thought that these countries experience the most unsafe abortions Singh et al., 1997 ; . Religion does not offer a category by which we can standardise people's approach to abortion. While most of the major religions in the region including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Confucianism express core values concerning the sanctity of life, abortion is interpreted in different ways. Some countries are more secular or have a variety of forms of democracy which do not elevate religious dogma into law. Despite both having a majority of Muslims, Bangladesh and Malaysia take different approaches to the issue of abortion: Bangladesh has an early abortion policy centred on `menstrual regulation' and a vigorous family planning programme; Malaysia has highly restrictive abortion laws. India, a democratic, secular and largely Hindu nation, legalised abortion in the 1970s; whereas Nepal only stopped putting women in prison on abortion-related crime in 2002 de Bruyn, 2002; AK Tamang, Shrestha, & Sharma, 1999 ; . Thailand and Burma exemplify these paradoxes and metolazone.

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Figure 4B Following the administration of water and glucagon, this "transverse, right lateral decubitus scan" shows that the gas has disappeared. The pancreatic head, delineated by the water filled, distended duodenum, is well shown. The pancreatic neck and a great part of the body are not adjacent to the stomach. This is not unusual in a thin patient whose gastric antrum is caudal in position. DUO duodenum; L Iiver; S stomach. Interpretation of computerized tomography of the chest The CT scan on admission fig. 1, and explanatory diagram fig. 3 ; reveals a rounded mass, measuring 78 60 mm diameter, in contact with the pleura, located in the posterobasal segment of the right lower lobe. The margin oriented towards the hilum is blurred by vessels and bronchi, curving into the mass. There is an associated pleural effusion and thickening, located at the bottom, the lateral chest wall and intrascissural. Tentative diagnosis: "Pleural effusion and rounded atelectasis secondary to methysergide" Treatment and clinical course Methysergide was discontinued, after which symptoms progressively abated. A CT scan of the thorax 5 months after cessation of methysergide fig. 2, and explanatory diagram fig. 4 ; showed a significant resolution of the rounded atelectasis and complete disappearance of the pleural fluid, with some residual intrascissural pleural thickening. Liver Stomach Peritoneal fat Intrascissural pleural fluid Ribs and micafungin We thank the caregivers and the patients who participated in this study. We also thank all nurses, especially Birgitta Bjurman, physicians and other staff who helped in this study, Inger Hammarberg for secretarial help, Bengt Jnsson, Professor of Health Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, for advice regarding evaluation of costs and Bo Nilsson, BSc, Dept. of Cancer Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, for statistical advice, Editor Francis and Dr. Zoe Walsh for checking the language. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Cancer Society 999508 and 0070-B99-13XAC ; , the Childrens Cancer Foundation 1997 073 ; , the Swedish Medical Research Council K2000-06X-05971-20A ; , the Cancer Society in Stockholm, the Tobias Foundation, the FRF Foundation and Karolinska Institutet. Mongolism and leukemia occur simul taneously far more frequently than would be expected by chance calculated from the incidences of the two conditions. This suggests a coninion biologic factor and possible etiologic relationship. The etio logic process in niongolism exerts its in fluence in the sixth to ninth week of the fetal period, if, at this tinie, a common prenatal factor was biologically con cerned, it niight be possible to demonstrate in leukemic patients an increased fre quency of some of the generally recog nized stigmata of mongolism even in the absence of the frank, typical syndrome. Accordingly 59 children with acute leu keniia were exaniined for brachycephaly, dermatoglyphic patterns, hypoplasia of the middle phalanx of the fifth finger, and congenital cardiac anomalies. Two of the 59 leukeniics had associated mongolism. The other 57 were studied by the usual anthropometric body measureme nts. Thirty of the children had satisfactory roentgenograms of the bones of the wrist and hand. This investigation failed to denionstrate increased frequency of these stigniata of mongolism in children with acute leukemia. Stigmata common to both conditions niay not have been included and it is possible that the various stigmata may be in so subtle form as to escape the techniques used here. In this group of 59 children, the two with associated mongo lism and 15 others were two years of age or younger at the time of initial examina tion. Clinical documentation of acute leu kemia needs to include a broader spec trum of physical and physiologic data and midodrine.

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Results In vivo experiments The plasma levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline after intra-arterial injection of serotonin 50, 100 or 250nmol kg 1 ; rose to similar levels to those found in a previous preliminary study Fritsche et al. 1992 ; . Following injection of 100nmolkg 1 serotonin, adrenaline peaked at a concentration of approximately 10nmol l 1 and noradrenaline at approximately 8nmol l 1 after 2min Fig. 1 ; . Both catecholamines had returned to resting PRE ; values 1h after injection of 100nmolkg 1. Pre-treatment with the general serotonergic antagonist methysergide did not abolish the serotonin-induced increase in plasma catecholamine levels Fig. 2 ; . The repeated blood sampling had no effect on plasma catecholamine levels, as confirmed by injecting saline into one group Fig. 1 ; . In situ experiments Series 1: characterization and validation of the preparation Injections of different doses of the cholinergic receptor agonist carbachol 10 7, 10 molkg 1 ; resulted in a significant 10 6, 5 molkg 1 ; and dose-dependent release of both adrenaline and noradrenaline Fig. 3 ; . The response was largest at 10 5 molkg 1 and tended to decline at 10 4 molkg 1, especially for noradrenaline. Adrenaline was the predominant.

Referenz 937b Neurologie, 11. Auflage ; Thomas PK.: Tropical neuropathies. J. Neurol. 244, 475-482 1997 ; . Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London, UK. This article reviews the more common peripheral neuropathies that are restricted to or occur with greater frequency in tropical or subtropical countries. Familiarity with them is desirable for all neurologists so that they can be recognized if they present in temperate countries. Once diagnosed they may require referral for specialist management at a centre for tropical diseases. Together, they constitute an important and variegated group of disorders. Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial and mifeprex. Den frsta raden \documentclass[a4paper] talar om vilken typ av mall vi ska anvnda fr dokumentet. Mer om det finns att lsa p sidan 25. De tv raderna med \usepackage gr att vi kan anvnda svenska bokstver, samt svensk avstavning och svenska rubriker som t ex innehll i stllet fr table of contents ; . \author och \title anger frfattare och titel p dokumentet. Vill man ha flera rader anges radbrytningen med \. Om man till exempel r tv som har skrivit en rapport tillsammans kan man skriva. Formed during chlorination in the presence of bromide ; at water treatment works Useful as tracers of NPEO sources that have undergone chlorination e.g. pulp and paper mill bleaching processes, chlorine disinfection of wastewaters ; Posses higher acute toxicity to Daphnia magna than non-halogenated precursors1 Suspected mutagens2 Halogenated nonylphenolic derivatives retain a significant affinity for the estrogen receptors suggesting that they may be able to disturb the hormone imbalance of exposed organisms3 and mifepristone.

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12: 25 ML 6 Reactive-Geometrical Gas Dynamics and Detonation Diffraction * BRADLEY WESCOTT, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, UC D. SCOTT STEWART, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, UC Whitham's ``Geometrical Shock Dynamics'' GSD is an approximate theory for the propagation of shocks through regions of non-uniform area, Whitham substitutes the shock states from Rankine-Hugoniot analysis just behind the shock into the forward characteristic equation to develop a motion rule for the shock. GSD provides a Mach number-area motion rule relating the change in Mach number to the change in area of the shock wave. From this theory an approximate shape of an inert shock diffracted around a corner can be calculated, as well as the strength of the diffracted shock along the wall. At very early times we expect a detonation to diffract as an inert shock. To develop a more general, overdriven and sub-CJ, reactive GSD model, the partial reaction Hugoniots in the strong shock approximation were substituted into the forward characteristic leading to a motion rule of the same form similar to GSD. We present comparisons of the predicted sub-CJ detonation shock shape to numerical simulations of diffracting detonations.
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Anabolic steroids have been reported also to cause other behavioral effects, including euphoria, increased energy, sexual arousal, mood swings, distractibility, forgetfulness, and confusion. In the studies in which researchers administered high steroid doses to volunteers, a minority of the volunteers developed behavioral symptoms that were so extreme as to disrupt their ability to function in their jobs or in society. In a few cases, the volunteers' behavior presented a threat to themselves and others. An undetermined percentage of steroid abusers become addicted to the drugs, as evidenced by their continuing to take steroids in spite of physical problems, negative effects on social relations, or nervousness and irritability. Also, they spend large amounts of time and money obtaining the drugs and experience withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, and the desire to take more steroids. The most dangerous of the withdrawal symptoms is depression, because it sometimes leads to suicide attempts. Untreated, some depressive symptoms associated with anabolic steroid withdrawal have been known to persist for a year or more after the abuser stops taking the drugs. What can be done to prevent steroid abuse? Early attempts to prevent steroid abuse concentrated on drug testing and on educating students about the drugs' adverse effects. A few school districts test for abuse of illicit drugs, including steroids, and studies are currently under way to determine whether such testing reduces drug abuse and miglitol.

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729 [p 1299] Osborn AG. Inherited metabolic, white matter, and degenerative diseases of the brain. In Diagnostic neuroradiology. Mosby, St. Louis, 716-747, 1994. Bleph-10 sodium sulfacetamide ; 10% is hard on the bacteria and soft on your patients' eyes and minoxidil.

Laping, N. J. and V. D. Ramirez 1986 ; . "Prolactin induces yawning and the stretch-yawning syndrome in young adult male rats." Horm Behav 20 1 ; : 49-59. Herein we report that subcutaneous injection of low doses of ovine prolactin oPRL ; induce yawning in young adult male rats. The most effective dose of oPRL in evoking yawning was 0.25 microgram kg body weight 5.2 yawns 60 min at 1000 hr vs 0.3 in control animals ; . Doses of 0.025, 0.05, 2.5, and 250 micrograms kg were less effective. Interestingly, yawning in response to oPRL changes over the course of one circadian cycle with highest frequency at 1600 hr 11 yawns 80 min vs 2 yawns 80 min in animals injected with boiled oPRL ; . The onset of yawning in most oPRL-treated rats began approximately 40 min after oPRL injection, whereas with apomorphine the latency to the response was about 10 min. These results indicate that oPRL in addition to other hypophysial peptides such as ACTH and MSH can stimulate yawning. It is proposed that PRL after initial activation of the nigrostriatal dopamine system secondarily induces yawning by inhibition of this system via an autoreceptor-mediated negative feedback mechanism. This may explain the long latency to the response. Jackson, A. and S. J. Cooper 1986 ; . "An observational analysis of the effect of the selective kappa opioid agonist, U50, 488H, on feeding and related behaviours in the rat." Psychopharmacology Berl ; 90 2 ; : 217-21. The behaviour of partially pre-satiated rats consuming a sweet palatable food and treated with either vehicle or the specific kappa receptor agonist U-50, 488H 0.1-3 mg kg ; was recorded on videotape. Analysis revealed that the hyperphagia induced by the kappa agonist 0.3-3 mg kg ; resulted from an increase in the duration of feeding and not from an increase in the local rate of eating. The increase in duration was due, in turn, to a greater frequency of bouts of feeding. The kappa agonist also increased the latency to the final feeding bout. The effect of U-50, 488H was consistent with de-satiation, so that the increase in feeding duration was in evidence from the start of the test period, while the temporal pattern of later satiation was preserved but lagged behind that of control animals. At the largest dose, other recorded activities rearing, locomotor activity, grooming ; were suppressed, with a marked increased in inactivity. At the lowest dose 0.1 mg kg ; there was a significant increase in grooming behaviour. The results are discussed with reference to an hypothesis of opioid function in the control of food intake. Hirsch, M. D. and T. L. O'Donohue 1986 ; . "Structural modifications of pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides alter their behavioral effects markedly." J Pharmacol Exp Ther 237 2 ; : 378-85. Previous findings showed that pro-opiomelanocortin-containing neurons and endocrine cells synthesize multiple forms of beta-endorphin beta E ; and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone alpha-MSH ; , and that tissue specific post-translational processing of pro-opiomelanocortin can change ratios of the forms of secreted peptides. We therefore investigated the structure-activity requirements for behavioral interactions between beta E1-31 and alpha-MSH. Adult, male Sprague-Dawley rats received i.c.v. administrations of various dose combinations of alpha-MSH and beta E peptides, and behavioral activities were quantitated over a 55-min period. The results showed that both alpha-MSH and beta E1-31 produced dose-related increases in grooming behaviors. alpha-MSH also induced a stretching and yawning syndrome SYS ; . beta E1-31 had no effect on SYS but did produce catatonia. BE1-31 inhibited both the grooming and SYS produced by alpha-MSH in a dose-related manner, and alpha-MSH potentiated beta E131-induced catatonia. Both N-terminal acetylation and C-terminal modification reduced the effects of beta E1-31 and reduced the inhibition by beta E1-31 of alpha-MSH-induced effects. Although the C-terminal fragments beta E28-31, beta E30-31 and beta E6-31 were devoid of behavioral effects when administered alone, all three peptides inhibited the effects of alpha-MSH on grooming and SYS markedly. Both beta E28-31 and beta E30-31 also inhibited the effects of beta E1-31 and beta E1-27. These results indicate that many of the behavioral actions of beta E1-31 reside in the N-terminus, and modulatory effects on alphaMSH actions reside in the C-terminus. ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ; Gower, A. J., H. H. Berendsen, et al. 1986 ; . "Antagonism of drug-induced yawning and penile erections in rats." Eur J Pharmacol 122 2 ; : 239-44. A number of centrally active drugs were tested for antagonism of physostigmine- or apomorphine-induced yawning and for apomorphine-induced penile erections. The alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists piperoxan and idazoxan inhibited the yawning response without affecting the penile erections. The 5HT agonist quipazine and the histamine antagonist dexchlorpheniramine inhibited the yawning response more effectively than the penile erections. Dexchlorpheniramine even enhanced the apomorphine-induced penile erections and induced penile erections in physostigmine-treated rats. The 5HT antagonists metergoline and methysergide blocked the apomorphine-induced penile erections without affecting the yawning response. The alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine, the dopamine antagonist sulpiride, the antihistaminic mepyramine and the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide inhibited both yawning and penile erections at the same dose level. The alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonists prazosin and phenoxybenzamine were inactive. It is concluded that yawning and penile erections can be differentially affected by drug treatments. Also, while concomitant yawning and penile erections can be selectively induced by a class of dopamine receptor agonists, the same selectivity does not apply to antagonism of these induced behaviours. Gmerek, D. E. and J. H. Woods 1986 ; . "Kappa receptor mediated opioid dependence in rhesus monkeys." Life Sci 39 11 ; : 987-92. The kappa receptor-selective agonist U-50, 488 was administered chronically to rhesus monkeys. Tolerance developed to the overt behavioral effects of U-50, 488 without cross-tolerance to morphine. Withdrawal behaviors produced by deprivation, naloxone or quadazocine administration in U-50, 488-dependent and metolazone.

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The correlation between the drop in BNP level and the patient's improvement in symptoms and subsequent outcome ; during hospitalization suggests that BNP-guided treatment might make "tailored therapy" more effective in an outpatient setting such as a primary care or cardiology clinic. The AustraliaNew Zealand Heart Failure Group analyzed plasma neurohormones for prediction of adverse outcomes and response to treatment in 415 patients with left ventricular dysfunction who were randomly assigned to receive carvedilol or a placebo.21 They found that BNP was the best prognostic predictor of the success or failure of carvedilol. Recently, Troughton et al22 randomized 69 patients to N-terminal BNP N-BNP ; guided treatment versus symptom-guided therapy. Patients receiving N-BNP guided therapy had lower N-BNP levels, along with reduced incidence of cardiovascular death, readmission, and new episodes of decompensated CHF. Although BNP levels may be helpful in guiding therapy in the outpatient setting, the magnitude of fluctuations of BNP levels in an individual patient over time needs to be ascertained before BNP levels can be used to titrate drug therapy. Perhaps patients with high BNP levels who do not respond to treatment should be considered for other types of therapies, such as cardiac transplantation or ventricular assist devices. In a recent trial of patients who received ventricular assist devices for end-stage heart failure, BNP levels appeared to fall as remodeling of the heart occurred, and an early decrease in BNP plasma concentration was indicative of recovery of cardiac function during mechanical circulatory support.23 and miralax
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