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Burhnam, K. P.; Overton, W. S. 1978: Estimation of the Nelson, L. Jr; Clark, F. W. 1973: Correction for sprung traps in catch effort calculations of trapping resize of a closed population when capture probsults. Journal of mammalogy 54: 295-298. abilities vary among animals. Biometrika 65: 625633. Nowak, R. M.; Paradiso, J. L. 1983: Walkers mammals of the world. 4th ed. Baltimore, USA, John Caughley, G. 1977: Analysis of vertebrate populations. Hopkins University Press. London, John Wiley & Sons. P. 234. Dice, L. R. 1938: Some census methods for mammals. Pierce, R. J. 1987: Predators in the MacKenzie Basin: Journal of wildlife management 2: 119-130. their diet, population dynamics, and impact on birds in relation to the abundance and availability King, C. M. 1980: Field experiments on the trapping of of their main prey rabbits ; . Unpublished report, stoats Mustela erminea ; . New Zealand journal New Zealand Wildlife Service, Department of of zoology 7: 261-266. Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand. Lavers, R. B.; Clapperton, B. K. 1990: Ferret. In: King, C. M. ed. The handbook of New Zealand mam- Pollock, K. H.; Nichols, J. D.; Brownie, C ; Hines, J. E. 1990: Statistical inference for capture-recapture mals. Auckland, New Zealand, Oxford Univerexperiments. U. S. wildlife monograph series 107. sity Press. Pp. 320-330. 95. Livingstone, P. G. 1996: Overview of the ferret problem. In: Ferrets as vectors of tuberculosis and threats Ragg, J. R. in press: The denning behaviour of feral to conservation. Royal Society of New Zealand ferrets Mustela furo ; in a pastoral habitat, South miscellaneous series 36: 2-7. Island, New Zealand. Journal of zoology London ; . Middlemiss, A. 1995: Predation of lizards by feral house cats Felis catus ; and ferrets Mustela furo ; in the Ragg, J.; Walker, R. 1996: The association of tuberculous tussock grassland of Otago. Unpublished MSc ferrets with Tb infected cattle and deer herds in thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zeathe South Island. In: Ferrets as vectors of tuberculand. losis and threats to conservation. Royal Society of New Zealand miscellaneous series 36: 7-14. Moller, H. 1985: Tree wetas Hemideina crassicruris ; Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae ; of Stephens Island, Ragg, J.; Moller, H.; Waldrup, K.; Mackintosh, C. 1995: Cook Strait. New Zealandjournal of zoology 12: Ferrets Mustela furo ; and bovine tuberculosis 55-69. Mycobacterium bovis the need for a multi-species approach. In: Griffin, J. F. T.; deLisle, G. ed. Moller, H.; Ratz, H.; Alterio, N. 1995: Protection of Tuberculosis in wildlife and domestic animals. Yellow-eyed penguins Megadyptes antipodes ; Dunedin, University of Otago Press. Pp. 291from predators. Unpublished University of Otago 293. wildlife management report 65. Moller, H.; Norbury, G.; King, C. M. 1996: Ecological Smith, G. P.; Ragg, J. R.; Moller, H.; Waldrup, K. A. and behavioural constraints to effective control 1995: Diet of feral ferrets Mustela furo ; from of ferrets. In: Ferrets as vectors of tuberculosis pastoral habitats in Otago and Southland, New and threats to conservation. Royal Society of New Zealand. New Zealand journal of zoology 22: Zealand miscellaneous series 36: 54-68. 363-369.
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We first investigated whether the retino-MGN projection present in adult rewired ferrets is created de novo, or by the stabilization of transient retinal projections to this nucleus. To this end, normal ferret kits received intraocular injections of CTB Table 2 ; . In normal ferrets, retinal axons did not terminate in MGN at any age data not shown ; . However, at all ages examined, some optic tract axons directed toward more distal targets crossed the dorsolateral aspect of MGN at rostral levels, often forming fascicles. These axons were few in number at P4 P6 and, as the MGN increased in size, were displaced progressively more dorsolaterally so that by P27 only a few of them traversed the nucleus very superficially. However, none of these axons branched in the auditory thalamus. In contrast, in rewired ferrets at P4 and P6, the MGN was invaded by a large number of simple, fairly unbranched retinal axons that terminated in this nucleus. Thus, retinal projections to MGN are created de novo in rewired ferrets. We then examined the development of retino-MGN projections both at the population Fig. 8 ; and at the single axon arbor Fig
The most common problem which causes ferret hair loss is an adrenal tumor, a problem that affects over 75 percent of ferrets over the age of an adrenal tumor is a serious problem, but if your ferret is still young and healthy he may be a good candidate for surgery.
May be highest in the retinal periphery hamster: Sengelaub et al., 1986 ; uniform across the retina rat: Perry et al., 1983; cat: Stone et al., 1982 ; , or somewhat elevated centrally rabbit: Stone et al., 1985; human: Provis et al., 1985a ; . The extent to which differential cell death is involved in the transformation of the adult retinal ganglion cell distribution from the immature to the adult formation varies in the few species described. It contributes substantially to retinal topography in the human Provis, 1987 ; and the hamster Sengelaub et al., 1986 ; but is not observed in rabbit Robinson, 1987 ; or rat Horsburgh and Sefton, 1985 ; , and its role is debated in the cat Stone and Rapaport, 1986; Lia et al., 1987; Wong and Hughes, 1987~ ; . In every retina in which this has been examined, differential retinal growth or stretch contributes to cell topography, but in different amounts Mastronade et al., 1984; Robinson et al., 1986; Sengelaub et al., 1986; Robinson, 1987 ; , and the significance of this variability is unknown. Systematization of the'variability in developmental mechanisms across animals will require assembly of information about adult eye topography and its degree of differentiation, rate and duration of development, and the evolutionary relationship of the animals studied. The study of additional animals, chosen to provide new and appropriate contrasts, is also necessary. The ferret is an animal both convenient for exploration of the mechanisms involved in creation of retinal topographies and interesting for several comparative contrasts, particularly with the relatively closely related cat. In particular, it allows investigation of the effect of eye size and thus retinal growth ; on the development of an area centralis, holding other features relatively constant. The time from conception to eye opening is roughly comparable in ferrets 72 d ; and the cat 75 d ; , though birth is earlier in the ferret, at 42 d of gestation compared to 63 d the cat Greiner and Weidman, 198 1; Linden et al., 198 1 ; . Retinal ganglion cell number in the ferret, which is 90, 000 Henderson, 1985 ; is substantially less, however, than the 150, 000 figure for the cat Illing and WHssle, 198 1; Chalupa et al., 1984 ; . The contrast in cell density from area centralis to periphery is about 1O-l 2 1 in the ferret Henderson, 1985 ; , and well in excess of 30 l the cat Stone, 1965, 1978; Hughes, 1975 ; . Ferrets are comparable in eye size and retinal ganglion cell number to several well-studied rodents rat, gerbil, and hamster ; , but have a much more developed area centralis, and a longer time from conception to eye opening. In this study we describe the transformation of the number and topography of the cell classes in the retinal ganglion cell layer from birth to adulthood in the ferret. We then discuss the minimal and maximal contributions of cell generation, cell death, and retinal growth to the determination ofadult cell topography to the extent that they may be dissociated using the techniques employed, and compare the pattern observed in the ferret to that observed in closely and distantly related species. A preliminary report of this investigation has been made by Henderson et al. 1985 ; . Materials and Methods.
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An observation consistent with the fact that the thymidine is only available for uptake for -3 hr and, therefore, will only label a fraction of the entire subplate population, which is generated over a week 4 ; . Time Course of NGFR Expression in the Subplate. Tissue from brains of various developmental ages was stained for NGFR immunoreactivity Table 1 ; . Staining is present in the cat subplate at early fetal ages E30 ; , remains intense during the ensuing 2 weeks, and then declines and disappears by -1 week before birth E60 ; . No NGFR immunoreactivity can be found anywhere in the subplate or cortex by this age. Comparable changes are seen in the ferret brain. Thus, NGFR immunostaining in the subplate is transient.
Table 2. Results of worm collection from villagers in Sacho-ri Gangjin-gun ; Patient code 1 2 3 Total Age sex 62 F 55 Worms collected H.n * 267 239 192 P.s 0 0 0 386 0 0 0 386 S.fa 0 0 2 S.fu 0 0 0 H.c 0 0 0 Total 267 239 208 and feverfew.
1987; Scott et al., t989 ; and ii ; attempts to transmit TME to mice Marsh & Hanson, 1969 ; . Our transmission studies with TME demonstrate that a species barrier exists between ferret and mink. Since PrP has been hypothesized to play an important role in delineating the species barrier, we compared the PrP gene sequence as well as the size and abundance of the PrP mRNA and protein in these two closely related species. In several species, PrP mRNA abundance has been shown to be similar in infected and uninfected individuals suggesting that PrP transcription is not involved in the disease process Chesebro et al., 1985; Oesch et al., 1985 ; . Not surprisingly, PrP mRNA abundance in TMEinfected and uninfected ferrets remained at equivalent levels indicating that differences in mRNA levels are not involved in the disease process. Western blot analysis of PrP-res enriched preparations from infected mink and ferret identified no observable differences in the migration of the PrP protein indicating no major differences in molecular mass or glycosylation of PrP between the two species. Western blot analysis did, however, reveal a 10-fold increase in the total amount of PrP from TME-infected animals relative to uninfected animals Fig. 2 ; . Although TME-infected mink appear to have slightly more PrP than TMEinfected ferrets this difference is probably due to variability in the clinical disease stage of the animals being analysed. Although involvement of PrP in spongiform encephalopathies has been well established, its exact function in the disease process is not clearly understood Chesebro, 1990; Prusiner, 1992; Rohwer, 1991 ; Weissmann, 1991 ; . Several lines of evidence suggest that PrP is involved in the susceptibility of an individual to spongiform encephalopathies. For example, incubation periods in mice are influenced by two alleles of the PrP gene that differ in only two amino acid positions Westaway et al., 1987 ; . Recent experiments with transgenic mice further demonstrate how minor differences in PrP can affect the species barrier. Transgenic mice carrying two PrP amino acid substitutions from Syrian hamster are susceptible only to mouse-adapted agent while mice that carry five amino acid substitutions are susceptible to both mouse and hamster-adapted agent Scott et al., 1993 ; . Comparison of the ferret PrP open reading frame with other species using the GAP program sequence analysis software package version 7.0; Genetics Computer Group ; revealed 83 to 98 % nucleotide sequence identity Table 2 ; . The ferret ORF shared the highest nucleotide.
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CORNEAL WOUND LEAKAGE POST OPHTHALMIC SURGERY: Cataract surgery and post keratoplasty ; Cataract surgery involving e.g. the extracapsular technique ECCEs ; and particularly following penetrating keratoplasty may produce some wound leakage of aqueous positive Seidels ; . Action: A thin low water content TCL may be fitted, which provides mechanical splinting of the wound and so aids sealing of the leaking wound. Action: A hydrophilic soft TCL may be used to help re-appose the wound and also to promote vascularisation in an area of dehiscence and expedite long term healing. Collagen shields can be applied at the time of surgery followed by placement of a hydrophilic TCL, 24 hours later. The hydrogel TCL may even be piggy backed onto a post surgical 12-hour collagen shield which has previously been soaked in corticosteroids and or other drugs and filgrastim.
While this neatly classifies natural steroids by their site of production and is still very useful for a basic understanding, it has been discovered that sex steroids can also be produced in small amounts by the adrenal glands. Thus, the production of sex steroids can continue even in neutered animals lacking gonads. Ordinarily, this continued production of sex steroids has little consequence, since the animals are incapable of reproducing. However, in the case of adrenal disease in the domesticated ferret a.k.a. hyperadrenalcorticoidism ; , the adrenal gland begins to produce much higher amounts of sex steroids than it would normally. This elevated level of sex steroids will lead to the very serious health problems associated with adrenal disease. It is not known for certain what causes the adrenal gland to become overactive -- there may be more than one possible cause. It is known that under normal conditions the adrenal gland is controlled by the pituitary gland, as part of an overall endocrine system called the "HPA axis.
1. Grunberg SM, Hansen M, Deuson R, et al. Incidence and impact of nausea vomiting with modern antiemetics: perception vs. reality. In: Program Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology; May 1821, 2002; Orlando, Fla. Abstract 996. 2. Navari RM. Pathogenesis-based treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting--two new agents. J Supp Oncol 2003; 1: 89103. Watson JW, Gonsalves SF, Fossa AA, et al. The antiemetic effects of CP-99, 994 in the ferret and the dog: role of NK1 receptor. Br J Pharmacol 1995; 115: 8494. Tattersall FD, Rycroft W, Francis B, et al. Tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonists act centrally to inhibit emesis induced by the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin in ferrets. Neuropharmacology 1996; 35: 11211129. Grelot L, Dapzol J, Esteve E, et al. Potent inhibition and flax.
Adjust dose of drug as necessary. Discontinuing CHCs can result in excessive drug activity.
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2003 ; , but not at the level of gene expression. In the present study, a comprehensive screening of the total human genome was performed. It was found that after 24 h of stimulation with either LH, FSH or FK there was a clear elevation in steroidogenic acute regulatory protein StAR ; gene activity reviewed in Amsterdam and Selvaraj, 1997; Christenson and Strauss, 2000 ; and in cytochrome P450, subfamily XIA cholesterol side chain cleavage ; CYP11A ; gene transcripts Gizard et al., 2002 ; . Elevation of gene activity of the adrenodoxin gene and adrenodoxin reductase gene following gonadotrophins was more modest Table I ; see also Sasson et al., 2003 ; . Elevation of aromatase: cytochrome P450 subfamily XIX CYP19 estrogen synthetase ; gene Harada, 1988; Meinhardt and Mullis, 2002a, b ; , which catalyses the aromatization of androgens to estrogen, was clearly observed Table I ; . Also gene transcripts for hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases 11-b 11HSD and HSD11B1 ; Thomas et al., 1998; Yong et al., 2002 ; were elevated markedly. The enzyme encoded by this gene catalyses conversion of 11-hydroxy- and 11-deoxycorticosterone DOC ; to corticosterone, and dexamethasone to 11-dehydrodexamethasone. These reactions are reversible Thomas et al., 1998 ; . Elevation in the activity of this enzyme was reported in earlier studies during ovulation in the rat ovary Tetsuka et al., 1999 ; . However, no correlation was found between enzymatic activity in granulosalutein cells obtained from IVF patients and IVF outcome Thomas et al., 1998 ; . 3b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases HSD3b1 and HSD3b2 ; gene activities were elevated by gonadotrophin stimulation. HSD3b1 was signicantly up-regulated by LH but not by FSH or FK. In contrast, HSD3b2 was elevated by LH, FSH and FK to the same extent. HSD3b1 is expressed in classic steroidogenic tissues: the adrenals and the gonads. However, HSD3b2 expression was found in the rat liver and flecainide.
Processors were alarmed that even if they used technology other than pasteurization to kill pathogens, they still might not be able to call their products "fresh."81 As new technologies arise, FDA may be required to revisit the question of whether juices subject to a new antimicrobial technology may be called "fresh." In another action on July 21, 2000, FDA held a public meeting limited to the issues raised by the use of the word "fresh" on foods processed with alternative nonthermal technologies.82 "Such processes, include but are not limited to, high pressure processing, pulsed electric field, pulsed light, submerged arc, and filtration."83 Comments were accepted until Nov. 20, 2000. No further action has been taken to date. Meanwhile, since 1992, the American Bakers Association has been "pestering" FDA to permit it to use the term "fresh" on their bakery products. They had been told that they could use the term "fresh-baked" bread but not "fresh" bread, because their products contain a preservative.84 However, recently, in response to a question from a reporter, an FDA attorney said that since 1993, FDA has taken the position that "fresh" is fine for use on bread labeling.85 The American Bakers Association is now trying to elevate the issue to the level of constitutional law. During an FDA comment period on labeling and First Amendment issues, the association claimed that the Agency's rule for "fresh" violates the First Amendment's protection of commercial free speech.
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Serum during 5 days ruled out further experiments in this extreme condition. In consequence, the remaining experiments were undertaken using 1% FBS in the culture medium. Concentration-response curves for the effects upon C6 proliferation of 4 days of exposure to a variety of synthetic and endogenous cannabinoids and related compounds are shown in Fig. 2. Both AEA and 2-AG decreased the cell number Fig. 2A ; , with IC50 values of 1.6 M n 8 ; and 1.8 M n 4 ; , respectively. This antiproliferative effect could completely be blocked by concomitant incubation of the cells with the antioxidant -tocopherol 0.1 and 10 M ; , and greatly reduced with the cell-permeable calpain inhibitor calpeptin 10 M ; Table 1 ; . In contrast, the phospholipase A2 inhibitor quina and flexeril.
Ref: Zolopa AR, Mullen M, Burger D et al. The HIV Integrase Inhibitor GS-9137 Demonstrates Potent Antiretroviral Activity in Treatment-experienced Patients. Oral Abstract 143LB. : retroconference 2007 Abstracts 30571 The oral presentation can be viewed online from the CROI website see Wednesday, 10.00-12.00am Clinical Trials.
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The weekend was especially fun because of the presence of a very unusual ferret emissary, "frenzy", a six foot sable ferret who made a special appearance on saturday and made lots of friends and ferret.
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1. Assess client's level of disorientation to determine specific requirements for safety. Knowledge of client's level of functioning is necessary to formulate appropriate plan of care. 2. Obtain a drug history, if possible, to determine the following: a. Type of substance s ; used. b. Time of last ingestion and amount consumed. c. Length and frequency of consumption. d. Amount consumed on a daily basis. 3. Obtain a urine sample for laboratory analysis of substance content. Subjective history is often not accurate. Knowledge of substance ingestion is important for accurate assessment of client condition. 4. Place client in quiet, private room. Excessive stimuli increase client agitation.
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