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D. Threadgill1, 2, 4, I. Rusyn3, 2, 4, A. Hege4, A. Bissahoyo4 and M. La Merrrill4. Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 3Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC and 4Curriculum in Toxicology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Classical toxicology focuses on dose- response and mode-of-action paradigms. Yet, the effects of many chemicals and environmental exposures are context dependent, with natural genetic variation being a major variable that is usually overlooked. By using exposures to chemicals like the carcinogens azoxymethane and DMBA as well as the hepatotoxicant acetaminophen that have varying modes of action on a panel of mouse inbred strains, representing the diversity present within populations of individuals, we show that the underlying genetic variation between strains has a significant impact on the molecular and phenotypic endpoints and adds an important dimension to toxicology. Each inbred strain models a single genetically unique individual but with the advantage of being replicable, additionally supporting investigations into modulation of exposure effects by other factors like diet. Studies investigating the interaction of genetic variation in the context of altered diet demonstrate the importance for accurately modeling the diets consumed by humans when performing toxicological analyses. Furthermore, we demonstrate that comparisons between phenotypic endpoints of toxicity, genetic variation, and the power of -omics can be used to identify novel mechanistic insights into chemical action and to identify the loci underlying inter-individual susceptibility to the effects of toxicant exposure.
Drug Dose and Target Alemtuzumab 30 mg IV over 2 hours three times a week initiate dosing at 3 mg IV daily; when tolerated [infusion-related toxicities are Grade 2] increase to 10 mg ; . When the 10 mg dose is tolerated, the maintenance dose of alemtuzumab 30 mg can be initiated. Maintain at 30 mg TIW for up to 12 weeks. Notes: Premedicate with acetaminophen and diphenhydramine Prophylaxis against PCP and herpes virus infections is strongly recommended, and should continue for 2 months after completion of alemtuzumab therapy, or until the CD4 + is 200 cells mL, whichever is later Chlorambucil 30 mg m2 PO day 1 Prednisone 80 mg d PO days 15 Repeat cycle every 14 days.
N n a. For any n 1, the functor Rn-1 has a right adjoint Sn-1 , and there is an induced adjunction.
Figure 4. Dotplots of the data for soluble adhesion molecule levels overlaid with boxplots showing medians, 25th and 75th percentiles with values, range whiskers ; and extreme values circles for outliers, stars for extreme outliers ; . A ; soluble E-selectin sE-selectin ; , B ; soluble ICAM-1 sICAM-1 ; and C ; soluble VCAM-1 sVCAM-1.
Chemical Name Alachlor Aldrin Allyl chloride Amitrole Aniline Aramite Arsenic Asbestos [1 100 PCM fibers m 3 ; ] -1 Atrazine Auramine Azaserine Azathioprine Azobenzene Benz a ; anthracene Benzene Benzidine Benzo a ; pyrene Benzo b ; fluoranthene Benzo j ; fluoranthene Benzo k ; fluoranthene Benzyl chloride Benzyl violet 4B Beryllium Beryllium oxide Beryllium sulfate beta-Butyrolactone beta-Propiolactone Bis 2-chloroethyl ; ether Bis 2-chloromethyl ; ether Bromodichloromethane Butylated hydroxyanisole C.I. Basic Red 9 monohydrochloride Cadmium Captafol Captan Carbon tetrachloride Chlorambucil Chlordane Chlordecone Kepone ; Chlorendic acid Chlorinated paraffins Avg. chain length, C12: approx.60 percent chlorine by weight ; Chlorodibromomethane Chloroform Chloromethyl methyl ether technical grade ; Chlorothalonil Chlorozotocin.
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P. W. G. Buf-Vereijken et al. 5. Stirling CM, Simpson K, Boulton-Jones JM. Immunosuppression and outcome in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Q J Med 1998; 91: 159164 Branten AJ, Reichert LJ, Koene RA, Wetzels JF. Oral cyclophosphamide versus chlorambucil in the treatment of patients with membranous nephropathy and renal insufficiency. Q J Med 1998; 91: 359366 Branten AJ, Wetzels JF. Short- and long-term efficacy of oral cyclophosphamide and steroids in patients with membranous nephropathy and renal insufficiency. Clin Nephrol 2001; 56: 19 Jindal K, West M, Bear R, Goldstein M. Long-term benefits of therapy with cyclophosphamide and prednisone in patients with membranous glomerulonephritis and impaired renal function. J Kidney Dis 1992; 19: 6167 Falk RJ, Hogan SL, Muller KE, Jennette JC. Treatment of progressive membranous glomerulopathy. A randomized trial comparing cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids with corticosteroids alone. The Glomerular Disease Collaborative Network. Ann Intern Med 1992; 116: 438445 Torres A, Dominguez-Gil B, Carreno A et al. Conservative versus immunosuppressive treatment of patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Kidney Int 2002; 61: 219227 Cattran DC. Idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int 2001; 59: 19831994 Reichert LJ, Koene RA, Wetzels JF. Prognostic factors in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 111 Reichert LJ, Huysmans FT, Assmann K, Koene RA, Wetzels JF. Preserving renal function in patients with membranous nephropathy: daily oral chlorambucil compared with intermittent monthly pulses of cyclophosphamide. Ann Intern Med 1994; 121: 328333 Ahuja M, Goumenos D, Shortland JR, Gerakis A, Brown CB. Does immunosuppression with prednisolone and azathioprine alter the progression of idiopathic membranous nephropathy? J Kidney Dis 1999; 34: 521529 Ponticelli C, Altieri P, Scolari F et al. A randomized study comparing methylprednisolone plus chlorambucil versus methylprednisolone plus cyclophosphamide in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. J Soc Nephrol 1998; 9: 444450 Talar-Williams C, Hijazi YM, Walther MM et al. Cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis and bladder cancer in patients with Wegener granulomatosis. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124: 477484 Knight A, Askling J, Ekbom A. Cancer incidence in a population-based cohort of patients with Wegener's granulomatosis. Int J Cancer 2002; 100: 8285 Travis LB, Curtis RE, Glimelius B et al. Bladder and kidney cancer following cyclophosphamide therapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 1995; 87: 524530 Miller G, Zimmerman R, III, Radhakrishnan J, Appel G. Use of mycophenolate mofetil in resistant membranous nephropathy. J Kidney Dis 2000; 36: 250256 Choi MJ, Eustace JA, Gimenez LF et al. Mycophenolate mofetil treatment for primary glomerular diseases. Kidney Int 2002; 61: 10981114 Received for publication: 25.8.03 Accepted in revised form: 20.11.03 and chlordiazepoxide.
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According to the clinical record, the 25-year-old male recipient was admitted to the hospital on September 3, 2002 with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Alcohol Abuse and Personality Disorder; he was discharged on September 10, 2002. He was assessed in a community crisis assessment entity located within the hospital. The chart documented that the recipient was in the ED about three hours before he was transferred to the behavioral health program. During this time, progress notes indicate that he was
Chlorambucil 400 degree water. 2 mg neutralized of drug were and chlorothiazide.
MS 2002-05-1448.R2: Accepted for publication in Blood as a Brief Report.
CASE 3: A year later, the same patient is now 57 years old and has successfully tapered off of oral hormonal therapy. She is reporting new dyspareunia and has avoided intercourse. She hates to consider estrogen in any form having worked so hard to come off of the oral estrogen. 1. What are the options in treating atrophic vaginitis? 2. What are the risks of vaginal hormonal therapy? 3. Are there effective treatments for decreased libido? and chlorpheniramine.
Did not have an increased rate of proliferation. Thus, in retrospect, it was unlikely that they would be more susceptible to killing by a cell cycle active chemotherapy drug than the idiotype-positive cells. The addition of chlorambucil to the second cycle of antibody therapy complicates the assessment of clinical response to the anti-idiotype antibody. However, the majority of these patients had been heavily pretreated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, often with histologic conversion from a low-grade to a intermediate-grade histology and would be unlikely to receive significant clinical benefit from a single pulse dose of chlorambucil. In addition, in 10 of 13 patients some clinical improvement was seen after the first cycle of anti-idiotype antibody alone, before the second course with chlorambucil. These results compare favorably with the outcome of other MoAb trials and with conventional cytotoxic therapies for similar patients." The mechanism of tumor regression induced by antiidiotype antibodies is not known. In murine models and in transplanted human tumor xenografts, accessory cells that can kill antibody-coated cells appear necessary.18Increased host T-cell "infiltrates" were found in the tumor biopsies of some patients who later responded to anti-idiotype antibody therapy, suggesting a possible role in tumor regression.I9In the current trial, the addition of chlorambucil did not decrease the emergence of idiotype variant cells, indicating that the antitumor effect of the antibodies was not impeded. It was theoretically possible that the chlorambucil would inhibit host effector cells that might be necessary for anti-idiotype activity. Because the response rate and duration were similar to that in our previous trials, no such negative effect was apparent. In our prior studies, late clinical remissions have been observed to occur. It is interesting to speculate that the treatment with the anti-idiotype antibody induced a host antitumor response, or invoked a "network" reaction that.
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Chlorambucil treatment might account for the synergy between the two drugs. Theophylline and chlorambucil modulate expression of genes closely connected in programmed cell death: induction of wild-type p53, enhancement of cmyc and suppression of bcl-2 are the consequences of theophylline-chlorambucil combination treatment and the conditions required to induce B-CLL apoptosis. Methylxanthine derivatives andchlorambucil may thus have potential as a new therapeutic combination in B-CLL. The cAMPpathway appears to play an important role, along with the calcium pathway, and our results suggest a synergistic effect on oncogenes involvedin B-CLL cell apoptosis. We recently tested this combination in a nonrandomized trial involving I2 patients with progressive or recurent aggressive CLL after standard chemotherapy and observed rapid and marked responses in l 1 cases using doses of an alkylating agent from threefold to 38-fold lower than in previous courses.hS Nevertheless, the presentwork shows a new intracellular approach in understanding the mechanisms involved in B leukemia cell apoptosis and further experiments are in progress to test other B-cell malignancies and chlorpromazine.
EXPIRATORY FLOW LIMITATION IN NON OBSTRUCTED OBESE PATIENTS Thomas S. Kaleekal, MBBS * ; Tilottama Majumdar, MBBS; Elizabeth Guy, MD; Amir Sharafkhaneh, MD; Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX PURPOSE: Obesity alters the functional relationship between the lung, chest wall and diaphragm resulting in abnormal pulmonary function. We have noted a flow volume loop pattern suggestive of expiratory flow limitation in non-obstructed obese patients. We wished to study the relationship between this abnormal flow volume pattern with pulmonary function data obtained from obese and normal weight individuals. METHODS: A retrospective review of pulmonary function test PFT ; data of 420 consecutive patients over a four-month period was done. Exclusion criteria were Age 18, Fev1 VC 70 or incomplete data. PFT data on 152 patients was analyzed. Two groups of patients were identified, those patients in whom the tFVL touched or cut the fvcFVL Group1 ; and those in whom it did not Group2 ; . Unpaired t tests were used to look for differences between the two groups. RESULTS: Age and Body Mass Index BMI ; were significantly higher in Group 1. Forced Vital Capacity FVC ; , Forced expiratory volume 1 FEV1 ; , Fev1 FVC, Forced expiratory flow 25-75% FEF25-75% ; were significantly lower in Group 1. Peak Expiratory Flow PEF ; and Peak.
To it and continue to do so. The Pensions branch of the Department of Education and Science has informed us that the problem arises by the fact that monies paid is from the relevant local authority and not the VEC, but the VEC must inform the local authority first. We have also been informed that Post-Primary Administration Section is reviewing the current arrangements with a view to terminating the involvement of local authorities in the process as soon as possible and thereby simplifying and expediting the process ; . We have also been informed that in order to obtain interest arising from delay in paying increases the delay must be for a period of twelve months from the date due. The other item is the Income Continuance Scheme. Teachers paying into this scheme and chlorpropamide.
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S um m ary This paper discusses the harm ful and fatal use of nonhum an anim als in research. It argues and dem onstrates that such use is not scientifically valid if the results are applied to hum an beings. Alternatives to such use are discussed in the context of b eing m ore defensib le ethically and scientifically. It calls for a chang e in attitud e in order to institute av ailab le alternatives and develop othe rs. Keyw ords: alternative, anim al use com m ittee, anim al welfare, com passion, ethics, kindness, m orality, nonhum an anim al, research, scientific m ethod, species differences.
MustardTrenimonUegranolMannitol These products represent the bulk of materials studied in the mustardR-49R-49R-49jY-Formyl ongoing empiric search for new agents. Because they are pro complete ; 6 89 1411 Co duced in large numbers, and the number of human patients on whom they can be tried early is finite, the need is great both for an understanding of their cellular pharmacology and for an sarcolysinReported improved animal screening system which will predict for antitumor response in man. In addition to the drug-sensitive tumors TABLE 2 now in use, a group of alkylating agent-resistant tumors would ANTIMETABOLITES HODGKIN'SDISEASE IN be very helpful in screening for agents which might be useful in patients who had failed to respond to or relapsed on mustards. AgentG-Mercaptopurine reported1 11"Definite The studies which have been made of the mechanism of action indicate that most of these agents have direct and powerful effects upon nucleic acids. Mitomycin C and Streptonigrin have regressions"2 4 Cytosine arabinoside 35Miller14 been suggested to act as biologic alkylating agents. 5-FluorouridineMethotrexate The indication that nucleic acids may be drug sensitive and 2 5 the life of the lymphoid cell dependent upon them even though 1 ; ichloromethotrexateResponses + 3 6 may not be dividing opens an area for potential useful thera " Survey of literature references provided through the courtesy peutic investigation. There are a large number of aniibiolics of Dr. Edward Miller, Hoffman-La Roche. under study outside of the United Staies, particularly in Japan and Eastern Europe, which might profitably be the subject for TABLE 3 international collaboration. Many of them are devoid of myeloANTIBIOTICS HODGKIN'SDISEASE IN suppressive effects and might be of interest in pa-ien-s wi-h advanced disease and leukopenia. rate4 4 response AgentActinomycin Streptonigrin and its methyl ester are the most promising of ihe newly available an-ibio-ic compounds; the former is already Burk-itt's 1 dramatic ; DActinomycin undergoing a double-blind comparison with chlorambucil in the tumor ; 9 1413 191 Veierans Cooperative Group. Actinomycin C and mitomycin C CActinomycin have never received an adequate trial in this country. They CMitomycin should probably be reexamined in a total of at least 25 patients. CMitomycin CMitomycin Promising new antibiotics should have at leas--hisnumber of clinical trials before being discontinued, and some trials should slight ; 0 13 3 made in patients who have indolent early Stage III disease, since we may miss valuable information about new drugs if they lymphosarcoma ; 6 99 152 are always restrict! to initial use in patients who are resistant ester ; Streptonigrin CH3 to conventional therapy. ester ; OlivomycinChrysomallinAurantinNo. CH3 and chlorzoxazone.
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Pregnancy: Fetal Effects. Teratogenicity, impaired growth, bone marrow suppression, infection, hemorrhage, and the long-term effects on the fetal genome are of concern. Both normal and malformed newborns have been reported after the use of cyclophosphamide in pregnancy. The reported malformations involve the skeleton, palate, limbs, and eye, and are often difficult to detect prenatally.37 Impaired fetal growth has been reported, but seems to be multifactorial in etiology, and due not only to the use of cyclophosphamide, but also other cytotoxic drugs and the underlying maternal disease.38 Use of cyclophosphamide in the second and third trimesters does not seem to place the fetus at risk for congenital defects, and may be considered for the woman with life-threatening rheumatic disease. Except in a few individual cases, long-term studies on fetuses exposed to cyclophosphamide during the second trimester, the period of neuroblast multiplication, have not been conducted.39 Lactation. Cyclophosphamide is found in substantial concentrations in human breast milk.40 Nursing is contraindicated in a mother who requires this drug.14 Recommendations. Cyclophosphamide is generally contraindicated for treatment of rheumatic diseases during pregnancy and lactation. It should be withdrawn at least 3 months before the patient tries to conceive. For the woman who may desire pregnancy at a later time, consideration should be given to preserving ovarian follicle reserve by the timing of intravenous cyclophosphamide administration, use of oral contraceptives, use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, and or cryopreservation of oocytes.36 For the patient with life-threatening rheumatic disease, the use of cyclophosphamide may be considered after the first trimester. Offspring should be monitored forimmunosuppressionandthe development of a secondary malignancy. Chlorambucil Fertility and Conception. There is evidence that chlorambucil im and chlorambucil.
FINAL ACCEPTED VERSION R-00150-2006.R1 TMA in the previous experiment see Fig. 2 ; . When winter skates were fasted for 6 days, seawater samples taken approximately 1 hour post-transfer displayed an initial measurable increase in absorbance at 412 nm the absorbance used to measure the TMApicric acid complex formed ; compared to blanks run with filtered seawater. This indicates the presence of TMA, TMAO or some unknown 'false positive' which is toluene soluble and reacts with picric acid to increase the absorbance at 412 nm. However, and essential for this study, there was no detectable increase in absorbance at 412nm with the toluene extract up to 24 hours post-transfer. This indicates that the TMAO plus TMA ; concentration in the seawater did not measurably increase over time in fasted winter skates lower limit of detection approximately 2 mol kg-1 hr-1; data not shown, N 3 . Neither urea nor ammonia displayed this initial 'bolus' efflux response, making it unlikely that this was due to either a transient increase in excretion or epithelial permeability data not shown ; . Fish were fasted for 6 days, followed by being fed a single meal approximately 2 % of body weight ; of herring muscle to determine the effects of a single feeding event on TMAO excretion. These fish initially displayed detectable TMAO excretion for 3 days after feeding, but this reduced to below the limits of detection for 4 animals on day 4 of the experiment and by day 5, TMAO excretion was undetectable in all but one skate Fig. 4 ; . The rate of urea efflux was quite variable amongst animals and did not significantly differ following a single feeding event Fig. 4 ; , although the average value on day 3 was almost 2-fold higher than on day 1. Ammonia excretion had a trend of increasing over the first 2 days post-feeding, was significantly elevated on day 3, with rates sharply decreasing on day 4 to the initial level day 1 ; . Feeding had no affect on the and cholestyramine.
Chlorambucil in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome
Chlorambucil is what is called an alkylating agent of the nitrogen mustard group.
From the Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Submitted March 28, 2002; accepted May 13, 2002. Prepublished online as Blood First Edition Paper, July 12, 2002; DOI 10.1182 blood-2002-03-0965. S.M.B. is a recipient of a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research bioMerieux. J.S.G. is a recipient of a Career and chondroitin.
Old hemagglutinin disease is a chronic hemolytic anemia that is refractory to the usual treatments for hemolytic anemia mediated by a warmreactive antibody; it may be associated with a low-grade lymphoma. Two previous case reports point to a possible role for this agent in the treatment of cold hemagglutinin disease.1, 2 Rituximab is an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody of proven efficacy in the treatment of low-grade B-cell lymphomas.3 We report a remission of cold hemagglutinin disease in response to singleagent therapy with rituximab. In 1987, a 39-year-old man presented with idiopathic acquired cold hemagglutinin disease. Physical examination revealed pallor and jaundice. There was no lymphadenopathy or organomegaly. He had a hemoglobin concentration of 67 g L, hematocrit of 20.1% and a reticulocyte count of 9.7%. His white blood cell count was 5.1 10 9 L with 62% neutrophils, 35% lymphocytes, 2% monocytes and 1% eosinophils. Hemagglutination was noted and improved with prewarming. The direct antiglobulin test was positive to complement 4 + . The titre of cold agglutinins was persistently greater than 1: 2048 and the thermal amplitude was reactive in saline and albumin to 37C. The bilirubin concentration was 86 mol L normally 017 mol L ; and the lactate dehydrogenase concentration was 306 U L normally 90180 U L ; . The bone marrow biopsy specimen was hypercellular with no abnormal infiltrates. The chest x-ray film and the CT scan of the abdomen appeared normal. The patient was given folic acid and a regimen to minimize cold exposure. He failed to respond to chlorambucil and showed minimal responsiveness to prednisone on occasions when hemolysis was severe. His condition was managed in a symptomatic fashion until and chlordiazepoxide.
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